Some websites state that a woodwind instrument is one that uses a reed. However, we know this doesn't hold true because a flute is considered a woodwind instrument. Another definition from wordnetweb.princeton.Edu says that it is "any wind instrument other than the brass instruments".
However, this can't be true because a saxophone is a brass instrument that is a woodwind. So, what makes an instrument be considered a woodwind? We can best go by the definition given at
"A musical instrument in which sound is produced by blowing against an edge or by vibrating a thin piece of wood or metal known as the reed, and in which the pitch is governed by the resonant frequencies of an enclosed air column. " Other instruments that are considered woodwinds are: Flute, Piccolo, English Horn, Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon, and Saxophone. Of those, all require reeds except for the flute and the piccolo.
The bassoon is a double reeded instrument. The saxophone, especially the soprano sax, resembles the make up of a clarinet. Although, unlike the clarinet, the saxophone is made of brass.
I played the flute, clarinet and the tenor saxophone in band. The fingering of the musical notes are very similar.It is pretty to safe to say that if you can play one, you can play them all. You will just need to learn the correct finger positions for each note.
Some websites state that a woodwind instrument is one that uses a reed. However, we know this doesn't hold true because a flute is considered a woodwind instrument. Another definition from says that it is "any wind instrument other than the brass instruments".
However, this can't be true because a saxophone is a brass instrument that is a woodwind. So, what makes an instrument be considered a woodwind? We can best go by the definition given at
"A musical instrument in which sound is produced by blowing against an edge or by vibrating a thin piece of wood or metal known as the reed, and in which the pitch is governed by the resonant frequencies of an enclosed air column." Other instruments that are considered woodwinds are: Flute, Piccolo, English Horn, Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon, and Saxophone. Of those, all require reeds except for the flute and the piccolo.
The bassoon is a double reeded instrument. The saxophone, especially the soprano sax, resembles the make up of a clarinet. Although, unlike the clarinet, the saxophone is made of brass.
I played the flute, clarinet and the tenor saxophone in band. The fingering of the musical notes are very similar. It is pretty to safe to say that if you can play one, you can play them all.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.