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Layers can indeed help hair look fuller and thicker. You mentioned your hair is long and one length. That alone is the problem.
If you shorten your hair, you will notice it will look fuller and more full of life. Go the step further and add layers and you will look like a new person. It will look full and full of life, not to mention, healthier.
Getting a nice new haircut may be just what you need to start enjoying your hair again. Once you have layers, your stylist can show you ways to style or curl it to get the most out of the new cut. You may want to curl the edges upward for more volume.
She may even suggest some new products to help.
If so, layers are a one-way ticket to fuller, thicker hair. By having your stylist cut layers into your hair you'll lighten the top section of your hair. Doing this totally changes your styling game and you can get so much more volume out of your hair.
When you'll really notice the difference is if you have wavy, fine hair that usually hangs limp. You put some layers in that hair type, and style them right, and you can go from pancake-flat to big and sexy in no time. Unfortunately, if your hair is stick-straight, layers aren't going to make your hair look thicker on their own.
That being said, a few layers that are styled correctly can give your straight hair movement and shape. Of course, if you curl your hair with a curling iron or hot rollers on a regular basis, then the curly-haired rule applies and layers will help you get more volume from your style. When it really backfires is when you have very fine hair and you have short layers cut into your hair.
This has the complete opposite effect and those short layers will actually make your hair lay flatter. So you're going to take the plunge and get those layers put in -- good for you. Now, you've got to make sure it's done right for the maximum effect.
Ask your stylist for long layers. If your hair is shoulder length, or longer, ask for the layers to start at your chin. If your hair is chin length then the layers should start at your cheekbones.
Don't go shorter, because they'll just make your hair harder to style. Getting the most out of those long layers is all about the right styling tools and tricks. A round brush, used when blow drying, can give you smooth, but full, hair.
Hot rollers and Velcro rollers can create those uber-sexy, red carpet waves in your hair that the celebrities are always sporting. If you have curly hair, you will want to use that round brush first to smooth your hair, then put the perfect curls in via the rollers.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.