First of all, I love the video. Carrie Underwood is one of my favorite singers. As for the All-Star game, I think removing the fan voting would greatly improve the chances of having just the best players participate in the game.
Since the results of the game mean home field advantage in the World Series, I think the roster should be the 25 best players and not necessarily include a representative from each team. Will the National League win to snap the 12 game losing streak? I think the odds are in favor of it, even if the American League has more talent.
The game goes in streaks. I remember the National League won all the time in the 70's into the mid 80's. It will come down to pitching and Roy Halladay, Ubaldo Jimenez and Tim Lincecum are probably the three best pitchers in baseball right now.
If they continue their dominance, the National League will end the losing streak this year.
The law of averages says that at some point the National League will actually win one of these things. Still, just looking at the teams that are playing the American League, it seems like they have more talent than the National League does. Certainly additions to the NL might have made the roster better, and Doc Halladay will help the National League’s pitching staff, but the bottom line is he will only pitch one or two innings.
That isn’t enough to win the game. I think it is extremely strange that one All-Star team has so completely dominated the other team. It just doesn’t seem like there could be a 12 year stretch where one of the leagues hasn’t managed to win at least one game.It can’t really be a mental block, but different players are playing in the games all the time.
The managers aren’t even usually the same from one year to the next. Plus there really isn’t any pressure to win, despite the used car salesman’s contentions that “this time it counts. € I think this could be the year, but I’m sure someone has said that for the last 11 years.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.