Would it be wrong behavior if I consider my Christian church members to be Christian aquaintances?

All though They pray for me, They don't ever look for me outside the church. And when I open up to them with an issue I am going through they don't follow up to see how I am. Asked by lmbo1 5 months ago Similar questions: wrong behavior Christian church members aquaintances Society > Religion & Spirituality.

Similar questions: wrong behavior Christian church members aquaintances.

Yep; if they don't follow up in the manner friends would; you can consider them to be little more than acquaintances. But... do YOU do better for them; or are you also just a christian acquaintance? .

I can't even answer that. I am somewhat new member of this church, 1yr, and I offered to volunteer in the children's ministry, offered my services as far as sewing, I gave my phone number to numerous members, when we have group although I don't know bible verses that I can tell them to read or find comfort in, I do show interest in that person. And when I see them I ask how are you, how did it go.

Even On Facebook , They request me and I see they write on each others walls but not on mine. I always stop by on their profiles and even if its just a, Just stopping by to say hi type of thing I do. Now when I felt hurt, and posted I have Christian aquaintances, All I know at church your my friend outside I don't know you.

They got offended. And told me this is not christian behavior. Lmbo1 5 months ago .

Well; broadcasting it on facebook rather than saying it to them one on one might be considered a little rude... my thought on how to deal with it would be to replace it with something to the effect of "I apologise for my earlier posting; I would like to feel that my friendship means as much to you as your means to me. " .

That is common...call them brothers/sisters/family...but they are busy people...so only in church see them. Just love them anyway. Different ages may not relate as well.

Any resentment can stop prayers from being answered. People shy away from anyone with problems even if they can pray. They can't handle the stress sometimes.

You can go to another church that may fit your needs better.

Since this is your only question, I will say they are not your Christian "friends", You might look into another church....a Church should be where believers of a like mind gather to worship, care for, reach out to the community, and help one another.. If you find a building of people who do not do this,,,,,that is NOT a church. Find one that is, even if you are not in full agreement with everything they think they believe. Not everyone in every church thinks alike...but they do work together.

Join habitat for humanity and find out where those people go to church...You will like that! .

Dear Imbo1,I can only answer you by what the scriptures say, and then YOU must make a decision according to your experiences. #1) How does one recognize the true faith? A) Jesus left what he called a new commandment at John 13:35 which says: "By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves."

DO YOU FEEL LOVED BY THOSE WHO ATTEND YOUR CHURCH? B) Do the members of the church you attend try to seperate themselves from the world? John 15:18,19: "If the world hates you, you know that it has hated me before it hated you.

If you were part of the world, the world would be fond of what is its own. Now because you are no part of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, on this account the world hates you. "Jesus was here speaking to his apostles but applies to all true Christians.Do you see a seperation from the world in your church?

C) Do the members of your church stay away from trying to get rich? But Jesus said to his disciples: “Truly I say to you that it will be a difficult thing for a rich man to get into the kingdom of the heavens. Again I say to you, It is easier for a camel to get through a needle’s eye than for a rich man to get into the kingdom of God.

"Matt. 19:23,24Also in 1 Timothy chapter 6 verse 10 we see that the love of money is the root of all sorts of injurious things.Do some love the pursuit of money and put it ahead of most amything else? These are just a few of the scriptures that say what a Christian should or should not do.

What do you see in your church? There are many more identifiers of true worship and if you want, I can list for you. Sincerely, Boosh .

NOPE I feel like unwanted, like I have no voice. I asked if they could come to my home to pray, They never came, I asked if I could volunteer for the children's ministry, they never answered me, I told church officials that I wanted to have my lil girl dedicated in the dedication to Jesus ceremony, They never got back to me. In the year I have been a member , I never recieved a call, or visit.

Even when I felt depressed, when I was facing eviction, had no job, a husband addicted to heroin, adult children who don't believe in God, stricken with anxiety, I never heard from them despite me telling them I feel alone. I asked my pastor to explain Ephesians 6:12, he told me its a very long complicated explanation. Its been 8 months, still no answer.

When I couldn't stand it no more, Felt animosity towards them, and told them how I felt , They answered me No church is perfect, lmbo1 5 months ago .

One thing they said that was true was no church is perfect. As long as imperfect man is involved there is a chance they will fall short. However, the circumstances you just described to me are inexcusable.

Sounds to me they just want your money, or something else? I belong to a spiritual organization that does not ask for money. There is a provision for voluntary donations but never any pressure what so ever put on anyone.

If you can contribute fine. If you have very little means for contributing, that just fine also. You will find every race of people in this country.

White folks, black folks, brown folks, etc. It is a grand place to worship! Love is the principle shown and known to all.Do we ever fail?Yes. But it is very seldom and far between.

This is what is taught: 1) Love of God and neighbor 2) Teach that Jesus is our savior and he is the King of the Kingdom 3) Recognize that Jesus wants his followers to use his Father's personal name, Jehovah4) Recognize that the Kingdom is the only real hope for mankind5) God will one day soon set matters right and end all badness on this earth and the righteous, good people will survive. They know that Jesus will rule for a thousand years in peace with no disturbance and more. And these thoughts are extremely scriptural and true.

Sincerely, BooshEphesians 6:12 means that those who worship God will receive strife against all who Satan controls, even himself and his demons. Note what 1 John 5:19 says: "We know we originate with God, but the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one. " Satan controls the whole world!

The whole world would include the governments and authorities.So it is correct to assume that Christians WILL receive problems from almost everyone not connected with the true faith because Satan hates those who love God and are trying to please him! The verses just before and after Eph. 6:12 talk about putting on a complete suit of armor (a spiritual one) that can help ward off the burning missiles from Satan (trying to defeat God's followers)He wants all who serve God to quit and follow him or die.

This suit of armor if worn properly will totally protect the righteous. The Almighty God in Heaven will safeguard the righteous! .

It's called "church buddies. " You limit your socialization to only those who believe exactly as you do.

But who is to say they believe more than me, or me more than them. I honestly thought that In order for a new Christian believer to not backslide into the world, Members should keep in contact with one another. I'm tired of being the one who is always assking can I tag along,, or would you like my help.

I feel unwanted there. Lmbo1 5 months ago .

I wouldn't know. I like to socialize with all types of people. I don't "go native" because I happen to have a friend who is a Native American Indian.

I'm not that shallowIf that's what you need, I'd suggest trying out a different church.

I socialize with all types of people. I have friends in different religions as well, even Atheists. People with drug habits, Even people that do illegal things.

I treat them all the same. I just always heard of Christians being so loving. I don't see it at this church.

Lmbo1 5 months ago .

LOL OkayLoving isn't something I really see in Christians these days, although a percentage may certainly love each other. Just look for a different Christian church. They are everywhere; practically on every street corner.

I've belonged to UU churches in different locations. One was fantastic when it came to visiting people who were ill, taking turns visiting members at hostels, or just socialization and the local one wouldn't give you a ride if your car broke down.

You should consider the reality of your relationship with them: if they are members of the body of Jesus Christ (the church) and you are a member of the body of Jesus Christ, then y'all are spending eternity together. If there's a problem in your relationship with these people, be praying for them AND be praying to God to know how to be the one who makes those relationships better and stronger. What it sounds like is that you, being the one who noticed this lack, are the one God wants to begin doing it--modeling appropriate behavior.

They could well have no idea that this is what a Christian should be doing. Oh, and BTW, never take the advice of those outside the church on what to do about the church. You ask Jesus Christ and know s word because that is "Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world?

And if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters? " (1 Corinthians 6:2) .

Thanks! I am just going to pull away from them, They have been in this walk for yrs, I guess I am expecting to feel at home, and a family member to them. Lmbo1 5 months ago .

You should be like a family member to them. But if they've been like this for years, it's a habit that prayer and their Savior would be required to break. You just found your ministry.

" "Religion & Spirituality" "Spiritually speaking, there doesn't seem to be a lot of activity in the Religion & Spirituality section, does there?" ""Religion is for people who are scared of hell, and spirituality is for people who have been through it. " comments? " (10 answers) "I am taking a poll on this question, "What is the difference between spirituality and religion?"" (10 answers) "Which religion were the members of the Three Stooges cast of?

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Religion is for people who are scared of hell, and spirituality is for people who have been through it. " comments? " (10 answers).

This question is for members of any converting religion..

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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