Would you attempt to install hardwood flooring in your home yourself or would you hire the job out?

I would do it myself as I own a construction company. Now you said hardwood floors not the imitation floating floors and such. So first you need to own or rent a floor nailer and compressor.

Second you need to lay paper. Third you need to line up your floor-what direction is the wood to go in, where will you start to run into different rooms. The next thing to consider is seeing how most rooms aren't square where in the room will you hide this as the thin width of the wood shows this off.

You will also need a miter saw and something to undercut the trim around doors. Will you be able to remove the wall trim without destroying it or will you replace it-can you replace it with the same style or need to have to have it milled. Good luck and don't forget to aclimate the wood to your enviorment.

I would call in the pros. No one at my house can probably handle a table saw without injury and a trip to the ER. I'm one of those people who would rather have something done correctly the first time then botch it up and have to call in someone to fix my mess and finish the job.

I would save way more by letting the professionals do it. (And this is true for most home repairs/work as my beloved isn't much in the way of handy with tools. I can put furniture together but that's about the extent of my DIY.).

No! I'd rather have it done professionally than waste my time and money experimenting it. And if it's done professionally, you can be sure it's well-done and clean.

If I were to do it then I think it would be such a big waste. Our carpenter told me that the glue used for the installation of this is the kind of glue that is so hard to remove that it can even remove the cement floor with the wood if you really do. But if you're sure you can do it yourself then why not?

This is a tough call. I normally love hiring professionals, but in this case I'd probably rather do it myself. I don't think I'd find it too difficult and it might even be fun.

I know enough to snap a chalk line, start at the middle and work toward the edges. I would do that, and leave the edges and corners to the pros. With hardwood flooring that basically locks together and is self-stick, it would be pretty easy, other than being on your hands and knees for hours at a time, which would not be good for me.

If it is my house, though, I can take my time.

I would like to think I am able to do a project that seems this simple. I have done things that I never would have believed I was capable of alone. This would be no different.

I am a do-it-yourself kinda gal. I've rebuilt bathrooms, laid carpet and built shelves. I would certainly give wood flooring a go.

I would rather save the cost of labor, and use it to buy a nice cold beer when the job is finished.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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