Would you ever attend a tattoo party that a close friend of yours was hosting? If not, how would you explain your intention not to attend?

No I would not. The reason is simple, I don't want to be pressured to have a tattoo that I will regret later on. If I get a tattoo, I want it to be something I have thought and considered for a long time, not in a spur of moment thing.In tattoo party, we will be consciously or unconsciously pressured to get tattoo, sometimes more than 1 because we see other people do it and I don't want that kind of pressure to get something that I have to carry on my body for the rest of my life, especially not in clearly visible places as tattoos still have bad stigma in my country.

You can't even be a teacher if you have a visible tattoo.

If I planned on getting one already.. sure I'd go to have the support of others while dealing with the needle (I cannot handle them. ) I would of course get only the tattoo I wanted and as planned. No group pressured changes.

If I wasn't getting a tattoo I'd probably still go, just to watch and be social for once. (needles touching others doesn't bother me lol just me and my kids. ).

I might go to support others and just hang out, but I would not get tattooed. I am very picky about my tattoos. I have a certain artist that I go to, because I trust he'll do a good job, and I trust that his work space is very clean.

Tattooing is an inherently risky thing to do because you're opening up a wound. I would never get tattooed anywhere that I did not have 100% faith was sanitary. I've also gotten a tattoo from someone who went a little too deep (I think that was the problem anyway) and the frickin' thing raises up and itches if it gets too warm.

I think any reasonable friend should be able to understand a simple thing like "that sounds like fun! I'd love to hang out and support everyone. I'm not quite ready to get my tattoo yet though, and haven't quite decided on the artist yet, so I won't be getting tattooed that day.

Yes I would attend and probably get a tattoo if it wasn't overpriced.

No and hell no. When will you people learn. Some day when its your turn to be in the barrel .

Tats will be on your rap sheet and you will be easy to find when your rat ass friends drop a dime on you to get some time off or some kind of sugar. Just say no.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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