This is a bad time to ask me this question. Financially we are hurting and I could honestly say I would do about anything for my family. At this point I would probably pose almost nude for a certain amount of money (sorry I am being honest.) Perhaps $10,000.
If you would ask me this questions when our finances were not suffering I would probably say no. As far as Katy Perry goes, I do not judge. If someone wants to pose nude, so be it.
We came into this world naked and nudity is not the biggest of deals to me. Posing naked is everyone's personal choice. I have not walked in their shoes and I do not know the reason behind them making the decision to do so.
Great question!
Well to be honest, yeah I would. Even though I am a bigger girl I have always loved the body I have. Things I see as flaws, someone else may love, so why be ashamed right?
I would be open to negotiate a price. Depending on where the picture would be. I would probably ask for more if it were posted online, since things online can get so misconstrued and everyone can run across them.
I would be more weary of who'd see it, and prefer to have a heftier pay to ease my paranoia. ;) Then again maybe Mahalo would give a thumbs up if I did, since my tattoo would be representing the company...maybe in my dreams on that one! I don't think posing nude is a big deal, if you aren't comfortable with it, or the guilt will eat you alive, or your paranoid is so bad you won't be able to sleep at night, consider something else.
Lastly, for some reason, if I do ever get pregnant I wouldn't mind posing nude then, because pregnancy can be a beautiful thing.
I would pose nude for travel expenses, a good lunch, and a small royalties check. Anyone interested in seeing me nude in a magazine or other print or video medium please feel free to contact me via private direct message here in Mahalo.
Oh man, I already have! Here's my picture. Well, they cut my head off and photoshopped some other dude's face in there, but I SWEAR it's me!
Totally my bod. Promise! I did it for free too - it was for a calendar and the proceeds went to orphaned children.Yeah.
I'm good like that.
" I would pose in a national magazine if I were wearing next to nothing EXCEPT Katy Perry. Arrange that, and you're in luck, because I'm non-union, free-agent talent.So lemme get this right, You want to pay a few thou to see my fat tush cuddled up to an electrifying blanket (something I'd otherwise never have a chance to do because she's way, way out of my league)? Here's my deposit slip.
Would love to pose nude. Am slim,sexy and shaven with no inhibitions.
Like the way things are going I would pose nude for around 50 bucks but make some arrangements to try to negotiate a good deal on royalties. Maybe starting out cheap would get me a few more gigs. Personally I don't have people who depend on me so I have nothing to lose but a few years from now I might change my opinion.
Anyway I am the sort of person that likes to try out different things in life and posing nude might be fun although it might end up being embarrassing.
If it were arty and didn't show my face in any recognizable way I'd do it for cheap, a thousand or less. If it was overtly sexual and I was recognizable, meaning I would have to deal with family fallout etc, I would need 5 grand or more. I don't have to worry about being asked, lol!
This is a bad question to ask me. I am very poor, but also very unhappy with my body. I would ask for at least £25,000.
I am not slim, but not fat.
I would pay $1000 to a small but high quality magazine. I would pay about $2000 to a moderate circulation high quality magazine. I would pay whatever I could afford to be the centerfold of Playgirl!
Folks like to take my photo quite a bit; but, it's almost always because, or largely because, of the way I dress or my hats. I have had no offers so far for nude photos.
I'll do it for 100,000! Why that expensive? Well,i may not be the sexiest girl around or maybe some people may not find me sexy at all but im asking for that much because I think my parents and my sisters will not talk to me for a very long time after that,so better be worth it!
No, never. As it goes against our culture, I ,being an Indian, can never be agrred to pose nude for any magazine or anything else for whatever amount of money it may be, offered to me.
Would I do it, yes for anything over a thousand but in reality being a fifty year old guy I don't think there is one person on the planet that would pay to see me naked. I have no real moral issue with it the money would be to explain to my wife why I would do it. So if anyone wants to photograph a pasty white, pudgy, middle aged, balding guy for your magazine drop me a line.
I would it don't really bother me to much but i'd do it for like $3000 its enough to keep me going for a little while I guess :/ wouldn't take me much to do it either.
I think they would pay me not to pose nude in magazines.
I might if I will get the good money and what pose I would be in.
I would....if they put a bag over my head and nobody could tell it was me. Lol!
I wouldn't do it for any amount of money. If we do it for some money or food it means we have lost our dignity. There are a lot of things to do to earn money rather than to pose nude.
Pornography can destroy our children moral.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.