Nope. Not for $100,000. I figure my price would be about $1 million.
The aforementioned price isn't enough to pay off my house or even pay for my daughter's college education in 15-16 years. If I'm going to show every last bit of cellulite and put the ladies on display, then I'd better be able to do something really good for my family and for myself with that money. I'm very comfortable with my sexuality and I'm not uncomfortable with the naked human body, but I like some privacy too.
There's something to be said for only my husband knowing every little detail about my body. It's kind of...provocative. Publishing my naked form would not only be frightening, but also would just ruin that intimacy.
And for that to happen, I need a bigger payday. When you get to $1 million or more, give me a call. I have some ideas about posing with tigers or llamas.
Maybe peacock feathers? Just some ideas....I'm just spitballin'....
She just needs more peacock feathers. And a bengal tiger. ).
Sure! But then again, I'm a 39 year old guy, and I doubt anyone would pay that amount of money.. I'd would like to have a three month's notice, so I could make sure my body was toned and ready to be shown. It would be a win-win for me: I'd get a nice premium, I'd get a professional photo shoot, which will undoubtedly show me as flattering as possible, AND I'd have an excellent reason to work out three-four times a week!
The fact that everyone would be able to see me in the nude? I don't really think that would bother me that much. There are so many nude people on the Internet, that I probably wouldn't even stand out... Now, if it were a picture like this, that would really be great.
Ha! You always have the most interesting questions! Personally, I could care less who sees me nude, and 100 large is quite tempting.
However, just as those who suffer from “I got married too young, and now hate my partner� Syndrome, the chances of posing nude and regretting it are high. Since we cannot see the future, and have no clue if something like that could absolutely ruin us, I would decline.
Of course! Even after taxes, $100,000 is a nice bit of money that I could find countless uses for. And, I'm not shy about having my picture plastered all over the world.
Sadly, I am highly unlikely to be offered any money whatsoever for posing nude.
Heck no, I stay covered to protect the innocent!
No, no and thrice no..... The money involved wouldn't pay for me and my family to move to where nobody would recognize me... My piece of mind would be shattered. I just wouldn't be able to have any confidence about anything.
Sure thing. :) Why anyone would want to propose such a thing, I don't know. But I'd happily laugh all the way to the bank.
Well I wont. Its something private. I have my own dignity and grace to be URL1 may sound weird to you all but no one can price grace.
Every wacko within 100 miles turns out to kill the alien to win the $100,000 reward, but it doesn't take long for the junkyard to be transformed into a war zone of man vs. man vs. machine vs. alien. On April 3, 2012, Shout! Factory will release to DVD the uncut version of ALIEN OPPONENT, a genre-bending sci-fi black comedy that pits rednecks, religious fanatics, kung fu masters, survivalists, college girls and frat men against a spacesuit-clad alien who only wants to repair his ship and get the heck off this planet.
Loaded with state-of-the-art special effects and blood-soaked gore, the quirky film stars Jeremy London (Mall rats), wrestling legend Roddy Piper (They Live), Cuyle Carvin (Assault of the Sasquatch) and Adrianne LaValley. Directed, edited and photographed by hot young director Colin Theys(he also did most of the special effects), the film features over the top performances, outrageous dialogue, fast-paced action, stereotypical characters,and homages to every iconic horror film of the past 40 years, including Alien, The Terminator, Slither, Night of the Living Dead, Predator, Resident Evil and even E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial. Alien Opponent Uncut Edition DVD comes ready to invade your living room with an anamorphic widescreen transfer (2.35:1), audio commentary, a behind-the-scenes featurette, a photo gallery and trailer.
This DVD is priced to own with a suggested retail price of$19.97 and is available for pre-order on . SYNOPSIS: What do you do when you've just killed your redneck husband but your plans of collecting his junkyard estate are thwarted by the arrival of a spacecraft that crash lands into the barn where his body lies? Well, blame his death on the spaceman and then offer$100,000 cash reward to whoever can kill the uninvited, space-suited alien guest.
Junkyard owner Tom Mazurski has just caught his younger bride Meghan messing around with the town muscleman, but before he can slap the girl around,Meghan's mom snaps his head. The women want to collect on his estate, but the arrival of the unwanted spaceship messes with their plans -- the ship lands in the barn, making it impossible to get to Tom's body. Without a body, there's no insurance, so the women go on TV to set up a Survival-type contest: They offer$100,000 to whomever can get past the alien and bring the body home.
Soon their town is overrun with every weirdo imaginable armed with every weapon imaginable,all intent on killing the alien and winning the prize. Throw in a couple contestants who don't play by the rules, and you have a blood-soaked, body-parts strewn battlefield that gives everyone a run for their money!
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.