Would you forgive a man if he stole money from you ...Would you forgive a man if he stole money from you in order to buy you an engagement ring?

Maybe. Forget?Never. Oh yes, and we wouldn't be getting married, either.

I don't want to be with a dishonest man. I don't care who you are, you don't lie to me.Period.

NO stealing is stealing ... Now if someone stole money from me to feed his family I might understand why but would never trust that person again therefore would cut them from my life in a heart beat . I have low tolerance for deceit in any form .

Thats simple not no but he-- no as once a thief always a thief. Do you trust a person that well?.

It would depend on the reason for the theft....and the reason you have stated....i find unforgivable, unless there was an apology and or repayment. See, I believe in the Ten Commandments...but also believe they are incompletely written....such as : "Thou shalt not steal....unless thou is starving to death ....and thy brethren will not feed thee! "....."Thou shalt not kill....unless thy brethren is trying his damndest to kill thyself!"...."thou shalt not lie...unless thy lie benefits thy brethren.

"..."Nah ...yer not ugly...those are character lines.

No, I would not. If he had to steal from me to buy an engagement ring, I would tell him a rubber-band would have been a more thoughtful & practical symbol of his love! How can a person trust someone who steals from them?

Why not borrow some money, purchase it on credit, or wait until you can afford it? Even consider buying a previously owned ring to save money, since it is the thought that counts. Blessings, nmpb.

Now the reason first why he steal it, before you decide to forgive and forget.

I am a man so no other man will buy me an engagement ring LOL. I don't normally forget a thief. I may forgive him but I wouldn't forget his deed.

If he had to steal from me to buy an engagement ring, I would tell him a rubber-band would have been a more thoughtful & practical symbol of his love! How can a person trust someone who steals from them? Why not borrow some money, purchase it on credit, or wait until you can afford it?

Even consider buying a previously owned ring to save money, since it is the thought that counts.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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