Skip my birthday. My birthday falls soon after Christmas, and tends to be plagued by people regifting things to me that have no thought, or little sense to them. For me, a gift is something that has thought put into it, even if not much money, value, or effort.
When somebody pretty much phones it in, it shows how little they think of you. Instead, I would prefer a simple "Happy Birthday" Christmas is a time for family and children. I have family in abundance, and a daughter I spoil at every chance.
There are tons of kids everywhere, and while it is a hectic mess from Black Friday on, it is always well worth it. So for me, it is an easy choice. Christmas is about more than just me.
I wouldn't mind skipping my 44th, no wait 45th birthday, but can't imagine missing Christmas with my grandchildren!
In 2010 I will be turning thirty. I know that is still young, but to be honest to leave my twenties will be mildly traumatic. If I could skip my birthday in 2010 I would, just to have one more twenty-something year.
Christmas is to dear to me. It is a time to be wit family and friends, that I would never like to skip.
I'll take a big pass on my birthday. The past few years my birthdays have been tiring and boring. Not nearly the celebrations I'd like to have.
But CHRISTMAS! As tiring as it may be, it's never boring! I have a toddler and she's just discovering Santa Claus and the magic of Christmas.My family gathers 'round the table to drink wine and build jigsaw puzzles together.
I wouldn't trade that for anything! The twinkling of lights, the serene and jolly music, and the warm and yummy food. Now, if we could incorporate twinkle lights in with my birthday, then MAYBE it'd be a competition.
But don't take my Christmas away! Not even for one year!
Skip my birthday. Xmas is about family and community.. Far more important.
My birthday is a time where my closest of friends get together to celebrate an occasion for me. Christmas always seems forced and repetitive and can easily be passed this year.
It isn't about the number of birthdays to me, it is the thougth of missing out on Christmas. The joy of everyone joining together and having a fun family day like no other day of the year. One day where you do not care how little sleep you got or how many little candies and cakes you nibbled on.
The one day when we can behave as young as we want and no one complians or finds it immature. Christmas is the one day I can not pass on. I would even take a couple of extra birthdays for a couple of extra Christmas days.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.