You find out your partner has been having an affair. Would it be more hurtful if this was a gay/lesbian affair rather than hetrosexual?

Well just this did happen to me. I was quite surprised; however, it did answer some questions I had often pondered. How come she didn't seem interested in my body the way other women had been in my life?

Well now I knew. I was actually relieved to find out that she had these inclinations. I stopped wondering if it was something about me.

I knew that there was nothing I could do to 'fix' the situation. I certainly could not become a women. I know that I would have been hurt much MUCH more if it was another man.

I really don't understand what women find in us men anyways. We are pretty muscle brain, gorilla ugly, in my opinion. I'm just glad they do find us attractive!

Well just this did happen to me. I was quite surprised; however, it did answer some questions I had often pondered. How come she didn't seem interested in my body the way other women had been in my life?

Well now I knew. I was actually relieved to find out that she had these inclinations. I stopped wondering if it was something about me.

I knew that there was nothing I could do to 'fix' the situation. I certainly could not become a women. I know that I would have been hurt much MUCH more if it was another man.

I really don't understand what women find in us men anyways. We are pretty muscle brain, gorilla ugly, in my opinion. I'm just glad they do find us attractive!.

I think it would be less hurtful if he had an affair with another man. I can't put myself into a position where I can see myself being jealous of a man. I would be VERY jealous if it was a woman, leading to me ripping a chunk of his and her hair out simultaneously...

It would make more sense to me, because while with me they were maybe trying to be someone they're not. It would be just as hurtful though. An affair is an affair and you would feel betrayed either way.

For myself no. The reason being if it was hetro then I would feel I was not good enough, pretty enough, kind enough, sexy enough, etc. That does alot of damage to a persons soul. If it were a gay relationship thats a totally different field, nothing I can compete with or compare with.

Either one would hurt deeply but I have been in the situation and I know, for myself, hetro slices wounds in the heart deeply.

No. An affair is an affair is an affair.My partner and cheated on me! Either way the relationship would be over.

I would assume if it were a gay/lesbian affair some questions would be answered. Other then that they would both hurt the same.

Lol! Are you kidding? Oh, heeeelllll no!

If I found out that my significant other was having a same-sex affair, I would immediately tell all my friends, and celebrate any way I knew how. Hopefully, by jumping in.

All transgressions against trust hurts. But I would think if it were gay/lesbian it would hurt a little more because not only were they lying about their commitment to our relationship, they were also lying about what they truly wanted.

I, personally, would be less hurt by it. A person can stop themselves from cheating on you, but a person cannot stop themselves from being a homosexual. It would be nice if they mentioned it to you before cheating on you though.

Hmmm that would be like being kicked in the head after being hit by a truck. Yes it may hurt more but I don't think I'd be in any state to notice the extra pain.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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