Your neighbor's dog has been barking loudly outside for the past 20 minutes. Your husband, who has to get up very early in the morning?

We've actually had neighbors complain about our dog, and I can assure you, there's a right way and a wrong way. Right way: drop by the next day, let them know what happened, and ask if there's a suitable solution, such as letting the dog in at night. Wrong way: writing a nasty letter.

The neighbors who complained to us were completely rude, then completely passive aggressive, and then just bizarre (acting like nothing happened). They actually called the cops at one point, who didn't hear the dog making a sound. Their gripe was that the dog barked when someone walked by the house.

We asked all of the other neighbors and they said they were HAPPY the dog barked when someone walked by the house since they knew someone was out there, and it was just a few "woofs. " Also, the only time the dog was really going nuts, someone was trying to steal a car. I would assume a dog that is normally quiet and is suddenly barking is trying to alert its owners that something is wrong.So, in your situation, I would have checked outside to make sure there wasn't something bad happening.

Then I would have visited the neighbor the next day and been friendly but assertive, as that situation needs to change.

I would definitely make my husband go talk to the neighbors. He is the more confrontational of the pair of us so he would not even ask for me to do it. He would likely barge right over there on his own.

That being said, in this situation, I probably would talk him out of going over there for fear that he would come across too brash. I'd try to have him settle for a pair of earplugs and some background music to drown out the barking. Then, I would talk to the neighbors the next day once things had settled down.

Since I have five dogs I've my own, I know how loud dogs barking can be. We also have neighbors that have a dog too. They let their dog out in their fenced yard and then don't let her in for hours.My dogs go out to do their job in our fenced yard, when they are finished I let them back in the house.

Also, if I hear one bark out of them, I call them to come in. The dog next door has many times barked at 10pm at night when my husband had to get up early and it wasn't very fun. I am a shy type of person, but I never would go next door and tell them about the dog.

My husband wouldn't let me. He would just try to sleep through it. I never can understand how those neighbors can sit in the house, hearing their dog barking like crazy and ignoring it.

If they refused to take any action to stop the disturbance, than I may just throw on my robe and slippers and confront them. I would just sat that they may not mind the barking, but the rest of us's rude to allow your animals to just stand outside and bark, when the rest of the world would rather rest peacefully. I have no problems bringing these types of things to a neighbors attention.In fact, a neighbor of mine decided that they wanted to try their hand at raising chickens.....and had gotten a few roosters in the bunch.

I don't know about anyone else, but on my day off I would prefer to sleep in a bit. Finally I stopped them one day outside, and explained that they aren't home to hear the roosters at 5AM, but I am. I would really appreciate some sort of solution so that I don't have to get up unnecessarily.

They hadn't been aware of the situation, and had I not said anything, it would have continued. But they got rid of the roosters and I get to sleep in once and a while.

Yeah, also been in this situation as the person with the dog. (Malamutes are not quiet,, especially on full moons. ) Another wrong way: Threatening to shoot your neighbors dog on their property.. or poison it.As a howling dog owner I wouldn't be angered if someone knocked on my door and said, hey the dogs keeping me up.

As someone being bothered by a howler that would be my reaction. Granted if I looked and saw their lights are off everyone appears asleep I'd likely wait till morning, unless it was a reoccurring problem that I had talked to them about before.In that case I'd offer a few warnings and then simply start calling the cops for noise disturbance.

I would go next day in the morning to the neighbor and tell them that their dog is barking too loud and that because of that I could not get it to sleep. If they would react and would try to calm down their dog then I would be more patient. But, if they will not react then I would call pet control and I am sure they will solve this problem.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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