0bama supports the Ground Zero Mosque-- Is there ANY surprise in that? The most UNAMERICAN President ever?

No! Obama is the best president ever! You Conservatives are the anti-American racists (lol :D)!

Lets take a look at Our great president, Obama's contributions: Accomplishments: Obama issued command to kill Bin Laden. (although it sure would be nice to have photos) Failures: Signed an unconstitutional healthcare bill into law that after 18 months has resulted in over 4.5 million Americans losing their healthcare coverage through work. Appointed a well known advocate of healthcare rationing in charge of medicare as a 'recess appointment' to slide him by Congress.

Obama needs more than the Trillion dollars he is pilfering from medicare to pay for his government healthcare program. Google Berwick and his statements - he wants a UK style healthcare system. Exempting 166 trade unions from Obamacare mandates.

And other companies are exempt as well - pays to play. Using the Gulf Oil Spill to promote Green Energy – instead of cleaning it up! In contempt of court for placing moratoriums on oil drilling while giving taxpayer dollars to Petrobras, Soros a preferred stock holder, so they can drill off the coast of South America. Plays politics with the Alaskan pipeline which he tried stopped construction on to appease his Green donors before the election.

You see it is all about donors with obama! Even his Hamas donors get paidback! Politics trumps thousands of new jobs, with oil potentially going to China instead.

Threw Israel under-the-bus, telling them to go back to pre-War borders after he said he would not... liar-in-chief strikes again. Goes to War in Libya, ousting a dictator without Congressional approval, resulting in country controlled by Islamic fascists, losing missles in the process that will most assuredly be launched against the United States at some point.

Nope, coke-snorting, alcoholic George W. Has been the only one so far, he ran the US as a Communist Dictator, and made everybody hate you. Obama saved your back-sides.

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