10/08/2008 Survey:The facts prove Sarah Palin is good for America (VP or Pres.), agree or disagree?

Was and is. She switched 6 (yes, SIX) colleges in 6 years, to get one lousy communications degree. Proof... http://search.yahoo.com/search;_ylt=A0ge... Obama was a Law Professor and Palin was an accidental governor by default after being a mayor of a small fishing town for a couple of years.

Before that she was a sport's anchor for the local town of a few thousand: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hc7LBtRGC...

By direct expeince, no. But lets see, she bearly finished college in a degree that is little more than basket weaving. He went to law school at harvard where he was law review editor ( as a law student, that is sort of like what being the Heisman trophy winner is to a football player.) Then he was a lawyer and a professor of constiutional law.

Intellectually, there is no contest. She is a mental midget and he is an intelligent accomplished man with specific learning that is relevent to the job at hand. So what then?

Intelligence is not the be all and end all of being president. Carter might very well have been the most intelligent president we have every had, but that didn't translate into effective performance. His intelligence may have actually been partly to blame for this, as the arrogance of intelligence led him in to micromanagement and believing he knew more than experienced advisers.

The dim bulb Regan, on the other hand surrounded himself with experienced intelligent people like Bush the Elder ( perhaps the most qualified, in terms of resume, that has ever been president) and at least was effective and decisive as a decision maker. Neither intelligence nor experience is the be all and end all of being an effective president. But, when one is both stupid and unwilling to listen to their advisers ( as we are told Palin was unwilling during the campaign) then it is a recipe for disaster on par with Bush the Lessor.

Who is really qualified to be president? It is a one of a kind job. I'll just say that Obama is qualified to be my attorney or my business partner.

Palin isn't qualified to be my receptionist, much less my president.

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