15 yr old girl 19 yr old guy SEX! HELPP! please.?

No, age of consent is 17 in Texas. Would not work if you were 16 either. "...It is an affirmative defense to prosecution under this section that the actor...was not more than three years older than the victim and of the opposite sex..." means that your lawyer can try to use the fact that you are less than 3 years apart as a defense but the court might not consent to it and then you will surely go to prison.

It's gamble. Texas statutory law says; "Sexual assault for anyone to intentionally or knowingly penetrate a person under age 17, other than his spouse. The actor has an affirmative defense if he is not more than three years older than the victim, who is at least age 14" and the penalty is 2-20 years in prison.

A few states have a close in age exemption that allows minors at certain ages have sex as long as they are no more than 3 years apart. Many have misunderstood this and think it exists in all states and for all ages which is not the case at all.

Me answering my own question idk why promise my self I won't choose as best answer.

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