1998 chevy pu 350 misfires on wet days where can I vent distributor to keep dry? already new cap rotor and wires?

Already new cap rotor and wires. Asked by CAPTAIN57 26 months ago Similar questions: 1998 chevy pu 350 misfires wet days vent distributor dry cap rotor wires Transportation > Automotive.

Similar questions: 1998 chevy pu 350 misfires wet days vent distributor dry cap rotor wires.

Keep digging You may have a weak coil or ignition module. And have you tried changing the plugs? Venting the distributor sounds like a unusual remedy.

Did that guy also suggest a new buckle for the fan belt? .

1 Most distributors are sealed to keep them dry.

Most distributors are sealed to keep them dry.

Mountains replied to post #1: 2 Yeah, I was thinking gasket. But I have never seen a gasket for this purpose, not that I remember. Screw it on little tighter.

Maybe the water is getting through the carb.

Yeah, I was thinking gasket. But I have never seen a gasket for this purpose, not that I remember. Screw it on little tighter.

Maybe the water is getting through the carb.

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