24 weeks pregnant and I love hot baths, bUT?

I took hot baths/showers. I wish these women would realize you have to stay IN the hot environment for a long time before it will change your core temperature. It's fine to take at warm/hot baths.

Just don't have them TO hot where it burns your skin or leaves your skin sensitive and red. That's too hot. My skin turns read really really easily though,and I took hot baths the whole time I was pregnant,and my son is fine.

He's 7 months old,and 100% fine. Just don't make it super super super hot. And don't get in any hot tubs/saunas or anything.

Try to keep it a bit cooler in the bathtub,but hot showers are better for you while pregnant.

Yes it can be dangerous. Make sure from now on the baths you take are your body temperature and nothing hotter. Especially if you're coming out really red, that's one way to know that your bath is WAY too hot!

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