3. What is the evidence that global warming is a real process caused by humans and occurring right now?

The 5 years with the most Swedish females is 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, and 2008 (oops that was six). It doesn't mean they were all caused by our CO2 emissions or the fact that there are also record number of Irishmen. They have a theory, a wish, and models.

The rest is political propaganda.

First of all any warming prior to the 1940's cannot possibly have anything to do with fossil fuel combustion. After the 1940's there was no global warming until 1977 which is clearly a shift of the PDO phase and satellite data indicates that the surface warmed faster than the atmosphere from 1977 to present. That damning piece of evidence indicates that the AGW theory is flat out wrong.

Find another theory to explain it, that's the way the scientific process generally works. But somehow AGW has become a faith based pseudo science and political tool, it's pathetic! No amount of experimentation can ever prove me right; a single experiment can prove me wrong.

Albert Einstein.

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