6pm tonight. Is that Eastern Time, Central Time, Rocky Mountain Time, Pacific Time? Why is God interested in timelines?

6pm tonight. Is that Eastern Time, Central Time, Rocky Mountain Time, Pacific Time? Why is God interested in timelines?

UK is NOT on GMT when British Summer Time (BST) is in force. British Summer Time / UK Daylight Saving Time. UK clocks are on British Summer Time (BST)until: Sunday 30 October 2011 01:00 GMT And what about Australia, it's tomorrow there isn't it?

Asked by Maximum20Characters 7 months ago Similar questions: 6pm tonight Eastern Time Central Rocky Mountain Pacific God interested timelines Society > News.

Similar questions: 6pm tonight Eastern Time Central Rocky Mountain Pacific God interested timelines.

I'm getting conflicting information on this. I wish someone would provide a link to wherever the exact time is given on crazypreacher.com or whatever so we can get this nailed down.

Com is available! Maybe I should register it. Seems like there's good money in that field of endeavor.

I'm having a bar-b-que at 6pm so I'd like to know. Maximum20Characters 7 months ago .

Real bar-b-que takes all day long. Or do you mean you are serving at 6? I doubt anyone you invited will turn up missing.

Thank goodness they are due to arrive at 5. Maybe I can serve early. Maximum20Characters 7 months ago .

It should have started in New Zealand last night, but nothing happen. No reports of earthquakes, graves opening, and souls rising to the heavens yet. But I'm still keeping my fingers crossed.

One of MANY ways for you--and everyone else--to know what a load of malarkey this whole thing was. Jesus said, "I tell you, in that night there shall be two men in one bed; the one shall be taken, and the other shall be left. Two women shall be grinding together; the one shall be taken, and the other left.

Two men shall be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left" (Luke 17:34-36). Jesus says that when the rapture of the church happens, it'll be both worldwide AND instantaneous such that some will be in bed (night), some will be working (day) and some will be grinding meal (morning. ) I blame our nation's biblical illiteracy for this confusion.

Camping should have been shut down before he got started.

May 21 is only the start of the end of the world. It won’t be completely destroyed until October 21. That leaves a full five months of pain and suffering first.

I so prefer Grimms Fairy Tales. Maximum20Characters 7 months ago .

I blame our nation's biblical illiteracy for this confusionI blame the stupidity of bible thumpers.

Oh yes. Oh for the day's before everyone went mass bonkers. Maximum20Characters 7 months ago .

God isn't interested in timelines(zones)......

How do you know. Maybe he put he idea into our heads. Maximum20Characters 7 months ago .

You're correct, Max...I was speaking in the context of the current "the world is going to end on....." fantasy.

With all due respect, these are all fantasies. The ideology has so many holes it makes swiss cheese look like a solid bet. If there is something beyond what we know - a spiritual level - IMHO it has nothing at all to do with any gods, godesses, or religions.

Maximum20Characters 7 months ago .

End of Times Four Pack while waiting for the End TimesTim LaHaye: The King of the Apocalyp$e Returns, Enjoying the Rapture all the Way to the Bank smirkingchimp.com/thread/bill-berkowitz/... he-king-of-the-apocalyp-e-returns-enjoying-the-rapture-all-the-wa y-to-the-bankIn light of tumultuous times Tyndall House Publishers has repackaged Tim LaHaye's 'Left Behind' series of best-selling apocalyptic novels. And LaHaye himself is pressing forward with plans for 'The Resurrection' a movie depicting 'ten post-resurrection appearances of Christ. '++++++++++++++++++++Disarray in the Religious Right's Armageddon-ville -- http://blog.buzzflash.com/node/12276Best selling author, lecturer, and prominent Christian Zionist, Joel Rosenberg, suggests that by setting the date for Judgment Day, Christian radio broadcaster Harold Camping is being "unbiblical, wrong and misleading," and "inviting ridicule, scorn and discredit upon followers of Jesus Christ who study the Bible seriously and teach the Word of God -- including prophecy -- carefully and soberly."+++++++++++++++++++++Rehearsals for the Rapture?

http://dissidentvoice.org/Apr05/Berkowitz0412.htmWill Christian Zionists and radical right wing Jewish groups head to? Israel to disrupt the dismantling of Gaza settlements? +++++++++++++++++++++"The Rapture Racket" http://www.zcommunications.org/the-rapture-racket-by-bill-berkowi tzThe rapture is a racket," writes Barbara R.

Rossing in the first sentence of her recently published book The Rapture Exposed: The Message of Hope in the Book of Revelation (Westview Press, 2004). Rossing, a New Testament scholar and an associate professor at the Lutheran School of Theology in Chicago, maintains that the Rapture is a fraud of monumental proportions, as well as a disturbing way to instill fear in people."Whether prescribing a violent script for Israel or survivalism in the United States, this theology distorts God's vision for the world," Rossing writes. "In place of healing, the Rapture proclaims escape.

In place of Jesus's blessing of peacemaking, the Rapture voyeuristically glorifies violence and war.... This theology is not biblical. We are not Raptured off the earth, nor is God. " Maximum20Characters 7 months ago .

My understanding is that it is 6:00 local time. Which just leaves the question of whether God observes DST.

It was Eastern time. HE isn't but ding-dongs are, apparently. Glad you made it out alive!

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