80's tv show about a family in an alternate universe where there is no music so they become musicians and introduce it?

80's tv show about a family in an alternate universe where there is no music so they become musicians and introduce it I think the opening had them trekking across a desert landscape.. Asked by ldorneles 11 months ago Similar questions: 80's tv show family alternate universe music musicians introduce Consumer Electronics > TV & Video.

Similar questions: 80's tv show family alternate universe music musicians introduce.

I've been dying to know this, too. I hope someone answers with the name of this TV show. I remember the scenes from the recording studio when the kids were making the music.

I think there was another episode in which they invented money.

Ok I think I figured it out: Otherworld. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Otherworld_(TV_series" rel="nofollow">en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Otherworld_(TV_series) org/wiki/Otherworld_(TV_series).

I cant believe you were able to asnwer this. I've wondered for YEARS. Thank you!

Ldorneles 8 months ago .

You're welcome! These sites are awesome:tvobscurities.com/articles/otherworld.php" rel="nofollow">tvobscurities.com/articles/otherworld.php (with clips! )otherworldonline.org/ (lots of threads...) php.

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Where can I buy episodes of the 1981 t.v. Show, "Code Red? " It was about a family of firefighters, with Andrew Stevens.

Anyone know the name of this old TV show/TV movie.

Does anyone remember an old soap on t.v. Called "Never too Young", or a music/dance show called "Where the Action Is"?

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