My in-laws have one. They had a really bad slug problem, and they didn't have a single slug on the plant in the upside-down pot. The one in the grown really had trouble, and the ones in the patio pots had almost as much.
This year they've added two more upside-down pots. The one thing is you have to be careful what variety of tomato you buy. Some tomatoes are indeterminate or "vining tomatoes), meaning they can get very, very large because they continue to grow until frost kills them.
Others are determinate, or "bush" tomatoes. They produce most of their fruit all at once, which is great if you're using them for canning. If you choose to plant a vining tomato in an upside-down planter, and you know you have a really long growing season, it's a good idea to plant it as high as you can, and use a watering wand if you have to.
That way it won't end up growing onto the ground. Reading what I've written, I'm going to plant the one I'm buying today from my kids' play house, which is about 20 feet tall. They'll have fun watering it from the second story.
I am trying the Topsy Tury for the first time this year myself. I wanted to get several but after getting the first and looking it over I decided they were too expensive to buy several of them. I looked on the internet and found some sites showing homade verions and made my own for $2.50 each and they are working fine so far.
I am including links to various homade versions and the video is the method and planter type I used. Good luck, Darron.
Topsy-Turvy! We've purchased two to try for the first time this year. So far, so good (it's been about three weeks).
The plants look very healthy and have "made the turn" to face upwards. One point worth sharing. You must have a very strong place to securely hang these plants from.
Once the planter is loaded with soil and water, it weighs a substantial amount. Our neighbors have had a couple that have fallen, and it makes a real mess. Remind me later in the season and I'll provide you with an update.
Good luck!
.I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.