It definitely changed my decision. I was thinking about getting an iPad for Christmas (since I didn’t know exactly when the next version might be coming and heard rumors it might even be as late as June 2011). Now that reports seem to be confirming both an April launch and at least one, but likely two cameras, I think it is definitely going to be worth waiting for me.
Plus, if Apple stays true to form, they will also either increase the specs of the “base†iPad or lower the price of the lowest end unit. While it is certainly going to be a popular Christmas item and there will be a few more months of “iPad envyâ€, I definitely think it is worth the wait.
It definitely changed my decision. I was thinking about getting an iPad for Christmas (since I didn’t know exactly when the next version might be coming and heard rumors it might even be as late as June 2011). Now that reports seem to be confirming both an April launch and at least one, but likely two cameras, I think it is definitely going to be worth waiting for me.
Plus, if Apple stays true to form, they will also either increase the specs of the “base� IPad or lower the price of the lowest end unit. While it is certainly going to be a popular Christmas item and there will be a few more months of “iPad envy�
, I definitely think it is worth the wait.
I've always intended to wait for the second gen iPad mainly because I thought it was silly to launch the iPad without a camera. I'm also waiting for better conceived cases that have bluetooth keyboards. Any other improvements from Apple - better screen resolution, faster processor, etc will of course be welcomed.
While there have been rumors about shipments of iPad 2 in January / February, you have to read the fine print. That would be shipments to Apple's warehouses... they wouldn't hit stores till April very likely. That means Steve Jobs will likely announce the iPad 2 in January or February just like he did last year.
ImTOO iPad to PC Transfer totally removes iTunes' restriction that only synchronizes files on your computer to iPad. This iPad transfer software supports transferring of videos and music from iPad to your computer, as well as file backup from iPad to iTunes. Not only applicable to all iPad models (incl.
IPad Wi-Fi, iPad Wi-Fi+3G, iPad 16GB, iPad 32GB, iPad 64GB), this iPad to PC copy software also supports file transfer of iPhone and iPod. Download ImTOO iPad to PC Transfer for a free trial now to enjoy the extreme multimedia life on your iPad. Coupon Code: tjz8455880 15% off for all ImTOO products.
I've always intended to wait for the second gen iPad mainly because I thought it was silly to launch the iPad without a camera. I'm also waiting for better conceived cases that have bluetooth keyboards. Any other improvements from Apple - better screen resolution, faster processor, etc will of course be welcomed.
While there have been rumors about shipments of iPad 2 in January / February, you have to read the fine print. That would be shipments to Apple's warehouses... they wouldn't hit stores till April very likely. That means Steve Jobs will likely announce the iPad 2 in January or February just like he did last year.
I've always intended to wait for the second gen iPad mainly because I thought it was silly to launch the iPad without a camera. I'm also waiting for better conceived cases that have bluetooth keyboards. Any other improvements from Apple - better screen resolution, faster processor, etc will of course be welcomed.
While there have been rumors about shipments of iPad 2 in January / February, you have to read the fine print. That would be shipments to Apple's warehouses... they wouldn't hit stores till April very likely. That means Steve Jobs will likely announce the iPad 2 in January or February just like he did last year.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.