Can I run analog cable through an HDTV LCD TV if I don't have HDTV?

I recently purchased a Vizio LCD HDTV tv but I do not have HDTV with my cable provider. I wish to run analog cable through the tv.Is this possible or do I have to upgrade to HDTV with my cable provider? Asked by Delaney 44 months ago Similar questions: run analog cable HDTV LCD TV Entertainment > Television.

Similar questions: run analog cable HDTV LCD TV.

You should be able to use analog cable with a high-def TV Obviously you won't get a high definition picture, and it's possible that the higher definition of your Vizio may make the analog cable look worse (being that it's not being fed it's full capability), but generally HDTVs have either RF (coaxial) or analog (RCA audio/video or S-Video) connections to connect to an analog source. Sources: my response .

I have basic cable & an HDTV over 1yr -yesterday, my tv lost all the analog cable channels & digitals have no sound HELP" "I am purchasing a new LCD TV. Will I need to have cable to have it work. " "will cable tv work with a LCD TV?" "Does anyone have an Olevia 237V LCD HDTV (37") and what is your opinion of the TV?

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I have basic cable & an HDTV over 1yr -yesterday, my tv lost all the analog cable channels & digitals have no sound HELP.

I am purchasing a new LCD TV. Will I need to have cable to have it work.

I just installed my new HDTV type TV via Cable and only a few channels are clear.

Looking for best buy on a 20-22 inch lcd television, HDTV not neccessary.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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