Can king size sheets be used on a queen size bed?

Can king size sheets be used on a queen size bed I want to use a feather mattress topper. As It is My Queen size sheets including fitted sheets come off. The bed and it does not have a topper yet Asked by tlazer 2 months ago Similar questions: king size sheets queen bed Games & Leisure > Travel.

Similar questions: king size sheets queen bed.

A king size sheet fits a mattress that is the size of two extra long twin sized mattresses put together. A queen sized sheet fits a mattress that is only six inches wider but longer than a full size. It's going to lengthwise but be too wide.

You can try tucking in the extra if you don't have an extra-deep mattress, but you're going to have problems if its a fitted sheet.

I was afraid of that, Thank You! Tlazer 2 months ago .

You technically CAN, it'll just big a little loose.

I buy the king flat sheets for my queen size bed. I hem up 1" on each long edge. There's plenty of sheet to tuck in at the end of the bed, and more width edge to edge, on top.

I'd go ahead with the King size and just tuck in as usual. I personally love bigger sheets. More cozy material to roll up in!

" "where can I find wwf bed settings or comforters in queen size.

How to make queen size bedsheets with full size bed sheets.

I have 2 different queen size top bed sheets and need 2 bottoms in white, blue, or pink not in flannel.

Where can I find wwf bed settings or comforters in queen size.

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