Yes, you can. A Drivers or Learners "Permit" is permission to drive and therefore a temporary license with certain restrictions. You can obtain your own auto insurance or you can be covered under someone else's policy such as your parents or the vehicle owners policy, but you must have coverage.
If you are a minor and want your own policy, due to the limitations of contract law your parent or legal guardian will need to countersign your insurance application for it to be legally binding. A Drivers Permit comes with all the responsibilities of anyone licensed or not who operates a motor vehicle on public roads, including our financial responsibility. No state provides exemption from Financial Responsibility Laws for minors or permitted drivers.
More Information:You can get insurance with a permit. I live in Florida and got it with a Learners Permit Some Insurance Companies may not require you be added to the vehicle owners or parents policy until you complete your test and get your drivers license, but you can't drive uninsured in any event. It's best to contact your Insurance Company and ask what the policy is for newly permitted drivers.
Yes, you can. A Drivers or Learners "Permit" is permission to drive and therefore a temporary license with certain restrictions. You can obtain your own auto insurance or you can be covered under someone else's policy such as your parents or the vehicle owners policy, but you must have coverage.
If you are a minor and want your own policy, due to the limitations of contract law your parent or legal guardian will need to countersign your insurance application for it to be legally binding. A Drivers Permit comes with all the responsibilities of anyone licensed or not who operates a motor vehicle on public roads, including our financial responsibility. No state provides exemption from Financial Responsibility Laws for minors or permitted drivers.
More Information:You can get insurance with a permit. I live in Florida and got it with a Learners Permit Some Insurance Companies may not require you be added to the vehicle owners or parents policy until you complete your test and get your drivers license, but you can't drive uninsured in any event. It's best to contact your Insurance Company and ask what the policy is for newly permitted drivers.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.