Similar questions: switch cell phones providers.
Consumer Electronics > Cell Phones & Accessories.
According to this article in Cnet, you can associate your service and # by swapping SIMs he SIM card is a tiny, rectangular card found in all GSM cell phones (think T-Mobile and Cingular) that acts as an ID card for your handset. Usually located behind the battery, a SIM card stores your phone number and is needed to activate a mobile for use. If the card is taken out of the handset, it stops working, and it is no longer associated with your phone number.
The advantage of a SIM card is multifold (sorry, Verizon and Sprint folks). Most importantly, you can switch your phone number from one mobile to another simply by swapping out your SIM card. As long as both phones are for the same carrier, the switch is fast and painless.
And on a related note, if your handset is unlocked (meaning it's not locked to one carrier only) you can buy prepaid SIM cards when traveling so that your mobile will always have a local number for your destination. And finally, SIM cards can store up to 250 contacts, which makes for easy transfers of your phone book. Sources: .
Locked or Unlocked Depending upon whether your phone has been locked or if it's unlocked you can switch SIM cards around with no problem. A phone being locked is when the service provider has blocked the phone from being used by any other service provider's SIM cards. Usually you will be asked for a PIN in order to allow the new SIM to be used.
If you do have a locked phone then you can do a search online for unlocking your phone. The link below is for use in the UK, so you will have to go to google. Com and use the search string "unlock..." There are some providers that have their pay as you go phones already unlocked upon arrival.
Depends upon the phone and provider. I know cingular's phones are locked upon arrival. If you have a contract, after 6 months they will usually provide you the unlock code for free so it's always worth calling the friendly people at the customer service.
Better yet, walk into your nearest cell phone store and be very polite to the people working in there. Best of luck! Sources: .
Only if the 'other' phone is 'unlocked' Phones that are 'unlocked' aren't restricted to a given carrier. Most phones bought with service come 'locked' as the cell provider is subsidizing the phone cost to make it cheap for you, assuming you will stick with them. Cingular and TMobile sims can work on any GSM standard phone that is unlocked.
You can buy phones pre-unlocked, or you can usually request your phone be unlocked by your provider after 90 days of paid service. You can also usually find individuals or companies (or websites) that can unlock a phone -- some for a fee, some give instructions for free. Frankly, given that contracts have like a $150-200 early-termination fee, that pretty nicely 'subsidizes' the phones.
Locking is just annoying beyond that. ;) The following site has a detailed overview of locking, GSM phones, etc. -- better to let you read than rewrite it all. They also provide unlocking services." rel="nofollow"> Sources: .
Usually no there are a few cell providors in america, most use GSM or CDMA networks, but with there own neuances, the only compatible companies I know of are Verizon and Sprint(nextell) but not all phones will go back and forth, Cingular and T-mobile are both GSM (use sim-cards) so they might with some aswell .
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