Cancer Suvivors My husband just took his last chemo treatment for lung cancer. We know the odds of beating this cancer are low but he has been given 80% survival odds. But still he is afraid to beleive he will be okay.
Have any of you beat this horrible disease? Would you mind sharing some of the details of what kind of lung cancer and treatments you had? I know this is very personal stuff but if anyone would be willing to share, we would really appreciate hearing your story.It seems all we hear about are the ones who lost the battle.
Surely there are those that have won this fight and gone on to live long lives. Thanks. Asked by nonnax16 53 months ago Similar questions: Cancer Suvivors Health > Conditions & Diseases.
Surviving Cancer -- My father has had a very aggressive form of bladder cancer for the past 6 years. When he first got it, the doctors removed his bladder and replaced it with a section of his small intestine. Two years later, it came back in his lymph nodes.
He was given 6 months to live. Thankfully, he went to Parker Hughes Cancer center here in Minneapolis and was under the care of some excellent doctors. They were able to find a chemo treatment that he responded to really well.
I guess only 15% of the people in the world respond effectively and my Dad was one of them. S cancer reappeared in his esophagus two years ago and he still has the tumor there but the chemo keeps it from growing. He is tired a lot but he's still ticking!
Much longer than any of us expected. I am very grateful for Parker Hughes for the attention and care they show my father. I would recommend them to anyone..
1 I did not experience lung cancer so I didn't want to take an answer slot, but as a Hodgkins Lymphoma survivor I sympathize with your fears. 80 percent survival odds are very, very good! I know it's really hard, especially coming right out of treatment, but that 80 percent will seem bigger and stronger every day that you and your husband move forward.
I'm sorry that I can't give you the first-hand advice you're looking to find, but my thoughts, prayers, and well wishes are with you both.
I did not experience lung cancer so I didn't want to take an answer slot, but as a Hodgkins Lymphoma survivor I sympathize with your fears. 80 percent survival odds are very, very good! I know it's really hard, especially coming right out of treatment, but that 80 percent will seem bigger and stronger every day that you and your husband move forward.
I'm sorry that I can't give you the first-hand advice you're looking to find, but my thoughts, prayers, and well wishes are with you both.
2 I am one treatment away from finishing chemo for breast cancer. I don't want to take an answer slot either, but I have to agree with alphalioness in that 80% odds sounds really good! I remember how my mom was when she finished chemo for breast cancer, and she tried to get back to normal as quickly as possible and she's never looked back.
I can't imagine what it'll really be like, but I guess you have to do what you have to. Good luck to your husband! My thoughts are with him.
I am one treatment away from finishing chemo for breast cancer. I don't want to take an answer slot either, but I have to agree with alphalioness in that 80% odds sounds really good! I remember how my mom was when she finished chemo for breast cancer, and she tried to get back to normal as quickly as possible and she's never looked back.
I can't imagine what it'll really be like, but I guess you have to do what you have to. Good luck to your husband! My thoughts are with him.
3 nonnax, I am soo sorry this has happened to your family. I have no experience in this, but just wanted to say that 80% seems like almost perfect odds in his favor. WOW, that is powerful when you think about it, 8 out of 10 people survive and go on to bigger and better things.
I will say a prayer for him to recover fully and feel much better soon. My God is a great God who has helped me and my family tremendously in my life. I hope you are getting some good rest, because the stress can be overwhelming and you need to be healthy to take care of him.
Bless you! .
Nonnax, I am soo sorry this has happened to your family. I have no experience in this, but just wanted to say that 80% seems like almost perfect odds in his favor. WOW, that is powerful when you think about it, 8 out of 10 people survive and go on to bigger and better things.
I will say a prayer for him to recover fully and feel much better soon. My God is a great God who has helped me and my family tremendously in my life. I hope you are getting some good rest, because the stress can be overwhelming and you need to be healthy to take care of him.
Bless you!
4 I just wanted to add my support. I don't have a story to share, but I wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you and your husband.
I just wanted to add my support. I don't have a story to share, but I wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you and your husband.
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" "What cancer cannot do..." "how many titanic suvivors are still alive today" "What kinds of diseases can a person get from eating food in rural honduras? " "Are there any diseases which prevent you from becomming an organ donor?" "i don't know I have or not but how I know if I have a cancer" "Can you list 3-5 things (not diseases) that will give you a heart attack? " "Can domesticated rats give humans diseases?
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My dog eats poop. Can it cause diseases? How do I get her to stop?
How many titanic suvivors are still alive today.
I don't know I have or not but how I know if I have a cancer.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.