They do try to control other people's life. Extremists are the worse: they constantly threaten with Hell or promise heaven, tell what is right and what is wrong more from a book that was written thousands of years ago than their own logics. People who believe in their religion are fine but they should tolerate differences and stay at their place.
We shouldn't need a religion to have morals. Most very religious people are so damn hypocrite: In Muslim countries some parents kill their own daughters for losing her virginity , Isn't murder a greater sin than pre marital sex? How cruel can a person get?
They would deny abortion to a rape victim even if she's only 11 years old but would want to burn her because she ''attracted the rapist'' , they hang homosexual couples but they give only 4 months in jail to a father who brutally raped and killed his own 4 year old daughter (In Saudi Arabia), Again in Saudi a woman was sentence for DRIVING her sick father to the hospital needing and emergency: she saved her father's life but she made the mistake to drive....Don't get me started on some extremist Christians who would equally send to hell every ''fornicator'' (having sex before marriage) the pope who is against condoms when condoms are the miracle solution for a lot of our problems: Overpopulation, teen pregnancy, AIDS, and other STDs....They violently deny the evolution theory even thought it has been proven scientifically but believe a load of nonsense. What irritates me the most is that they claim to be ''Good'' when they are often the most evil of all. Religious freaks are creepy.
Don't get me wrong I respect religion, I just don't understand how some people use it.
They still do that in some places you know but besides that now a days they don't hurt people like this anymore they are hurting them in other ways like trying to change the education system, denying scientific facts and replacing them with there idiotic beliefs on top of this there are the anti gay homophobes, the anti abortion people(some are murderers of doctors) and not to mention the catholic church which takes all this gold and money that could be used to feed the poor.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.