Creating a ZIP archive from a Cocoa application?

There is a zip-framework but it seems to be in an early (version 0.1) stage Others answers on cocoadev : One answer from there: ZipKit

There is a zip-framework,, but it seems to be in an early (version 0.1) stage. Others answers on cocoadev: One answer from there: ZipKit,

ZipKit seems to better name its methods than ZipArchive (even if I don't understand why it prefixes its addition methods). – kiamlaluno Dec 18 '09 at 13:52 Prefixing or suffixing category methods help avert name collisions if Apple ever adds a method in Cocoa under the same name. – Peter Hosey Dec 19 '09 at 7:17.

Aside from reading and writing zip archives in your own process, there's no shame in using NSTask to run zip and unzip.

Using this method would allow to not change the code to support new features. I wonder what exactly does Finder when you select a file/directory, and then select "Compress" from the menu. Which executable does Finder uses?

– kiamlaluno Dec 19 '09 at 6:59 It uses the Archive Utility. – Peter Hosey Dec 19 '09 at 7:16.

Check out It's a class for zipping files. Google is your friend!

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