Lon touched on this during today's Mahalo Tutorial. If you connect your Mahalo Account you will receive any Tips associated with Conundrum questions but no points, however points is something they plan on incorporating in the future.
I don't know about tips.... but I just got 4 points for answering a question from a conundrum user. So I assume its exactly the same as with regular mahalo questions. In addition I've asked a question on mahalo and got the best answer from a conundrum user, so it goes both ways.
Hm...I just answered my first question from a conundrum user and didn't seem to get any points for it. According to Mahalo, it should've been worth 4 of them. It's showing up on Conundrumland but doesn't show on my Mahalo profile that I answered the question.
I had the nsame problem as well. I clicked on the question through mahalo, linked my accounts, came back to mahalo to answer the question, which should be worth 4 points, but the points have not been added to my account.
Lon touched on this during today's Mahalo Tutorial. If you connect your Mahalo Account you will receive any Tips associated with Conundrum questions but no points, however points is something they plan on incorporating in the future. Lon touched on this during today's Mahalo Tutorial.
If you connect your Mahalo Account you will receive any Tips associated with Conundrum questions but no points, however points is something they plan on incorporating in the future. You can leave an optional "tip" with Mahalo's virtual currency, Mahalo Dollars. If you are asking a difficult question that might require some research, or if you'd like a wide variety of feedback, a higher tip often leads to more answers to your question.
I don't know about tips.... but I just got 4 points for answering a question from a conundrum user. So I assume its exactly the same as with regular mahalo questions. I don't know about tips.... but I just got 4 points for answering a question from a conundrum user.
So I assume its exactly the same as with regular mahalo questions. You can leave an optional "tip" with Mahalo's virtual currency, Mahalo Dollars. If you are asking a difficult question that might require some research, or if you'd like a wide variety of feedback, a higher tip often leads to more answers to your question.
Hm...I just answered my first question from a conundrum user and didn't seem to get any points for it. According to Mahalo, it should've been worth 4 of them. It's showing up on Conundrumland but doesn't show on my Mahalo profile that I answered the question.
Hm...I just answered my first question from a conundrum user and didn't seem to get any points for it. According to Mahalo, it should've been worth 4 of them. It's showing up on Conundrumland but doesn't show on my Mahalo profile that I answered the question.
You can leave an optional "tip" with Mahalo's virtual currency, Mahalo Dollars. If you are asking a difficult question that might require some research, or if you'd like a wide variety of feedback, a higher tip often leads to more answers to your question. I had the nsame problem as well.
I clicked on the question through mahalo, linked my accounts, came back to mahalo to answer the question, which should be worth 4 points, but the points have not been added to my account. I had the nsame problem as well. I clicked on the question through mahalo, linked my accounts, came back to mahalo to answer the question, which should be worth 4 points, but the points have not been added to my account.
You can leave an optional "tip" with Mahalo's virtual currency, Mahalo Dollars. If you are asking a difficult question that might require some research, or if you'd like a wide variety of feedback, a higher tip often leads to more answers to your question.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.