Similar Questions: Sarah Palin President Vice Recent Questions About: Sarah Palin President Vice.
One day we are going to be sick and tired of the guys that are president and we will decided to try giving the job to a woman. I don't think it is coming as soon as the next generation. I could see Hillary and Palin trying to break that glass ceiling couple more times.
Not sure those two will be successful because the media made sure a lot of people do not respect them. We sure need new blood. Someone that we can respect and admire.
Americans are generally too chauvanistic to elect a woman for president just yet. Maybe in 50 years or so if the country is still around .
Well,at least she knows something about defense - after all, in high school she was on the basketball team.
Feel the same way - from her terrible environmental record to her general overall stupidity ... death panels, not even knowing what the Vice President DOES it would be a catastophe for this country. President of the PTA - maybe.
Directmale - I had to re-read my own answer to be sure I didn't call S.P. - or anyone else for that matter - a name. What name did I call her? If you're you referring to "stupid" then you don't get it anyway.
What issues am I not facing? The environment? That she fabricated - or more likely heard it somewhere else and just promoted it - the concept of death panels as part of the health care reform?
Durn right she scares me - I'd be afraid of anyone with so little knowledge of the real world trying to run our government. We'd become a theocratic backwater in no time. "Go back to what our founders and our founding documents meant -- they're quite clear -- that we would create law based on the God of the bible and the Ten Commandments.
" –-Sarah Palin, arguing that Judeo-Christian belief was the basis for American law and should continue to be used as a guiding force for creating future legislation, interview with Bill O'Reilly, May 6, 2010 .
She's a first rate cheerleader for the Right. Why would she want to take a big pay cut to be VP? She quit the Alaskan Governor's job and made 13 mil in 2009 that was reported.
Any presidential aspirations would be ludicrous at this point imho. However, the scenario cannot be ruled out completely. Both Nixon and Reagan reinvented themselves and made it to the oval office.
I would rather see Sarah Palin as the replacement for Michael Steele when he decides to step down as head of the RNC. She is a strong leader who can promote the Conservative viewpoint. She has been unfairly eviscerated by the narrow minded dem/libs who are deathly afraid of her.
Mistyisle is a good example of a typical dem/lib who resorts to name calling instead of facing issues. It shows how easy it is to be a dem/lib. No thought is necessary.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.