Do the courts immediately seize your bank accounts to pay off back child support. My initial court date is coming up. My son is 4 now.
I don't mind paying child support, I'm just wondering should I take my money out of the bank. Asked by 7one 12 months ago Similar questions: courts immediately seize bank accounts pay back child support initial court date coming Business > Financial Services.
Similar questions: courts immediately seize bank accounts pay back child support initial court date coming.
Not immediately. There has to be a court order first. I think it would depend on whether the judge gets angry at you because you refuse to pay.
If you pay up, I don't see any repercussions, but if you don't pay, they will grab both your state and federal tax refund check, and they will garnish your wages. If you have the money in your bank account, they would probably freeze the account first to make you pay. You might want to think long and hard about a defense for why you didn't pay child support.
Sorry, I just joined so did not see this until now. Yes they can. Why are there arrears?
If there is a legitimate reason, such as unemployment, the obligor can still file for a reduction in them. Most Child Support obligors do not know there is free help from the state, by federal law, to obtain a modification. At the minimum, a motion should be filed to have any interest penalties set aside, which can double or triple the amount owed.
Of the total media “reported” amount of child support owed, 83% if interest penalties and not unpaid child support. These links will teach what needs to be known about child support. aspx?
Not that I know of. Hopefully you get a judge who will order you to just pay a certain amount monthly to include any arrears there may be. You need to have a good reason as to why you did not pay support (for example unemployment or illness).
I have to admit though, sometimes it does not matter why and that depends on what judge you get. Good advice below as well! .
" "why does one person have to pay court cost for child support" "i pay child support not court order but she is taking me to court for back child support.
Why does one person have to pay court cost for child support.
I pay child support not court order but she is taking me to court for back child support.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.