Do you agree that there is no such thing as reverse sexism, racism and homophobia?

Conservatives might say "All liberals are vermin and need to be exterminated", but that's not the same thing as what the OP is talking about: Racist/Sexist/etc. No comparison, sorry. The correct response should probably be "all conservatives.." etc. And guess what, I see that too. Although that poster has given me an idea.

Maybe we SHOULD respond in kind. If nothing else, run that kind of language into the ground. People will groan, and no one will ever want to hear it again.

I've done it before, it might work here too. I should also note I've seen pinkos say "take america back" as well. Back to what, 1917?

Because they're weak, and don't have anything else. They're like a monkey who sees another monkey get beaned over the head by a rival. They aren't that aware, but they see that using a club works.

So they copy it. Just like at the beginning of the film 2001. ;) They know it gets results, especially when gossiping to each other about how awful conservatives are, it creates a sounding board..and echo chamber where lies are reinforced.

So you've gotta make it stop working. As Obama said "Get in their face". Look at that little troll Kristen Chenowith.

Awhile back she called out a writer for saying he didn't think homosexuals convincingly played straights. There was an uproar, and people went craaaaazy. What's sad is, the writer was openly gay.

Chenowith called him a homophobe in the same press release as when she had heard he was homosexual. A homophobic homosexual, can you believe such a thing?! But that's what the Left has sunk to with its knee-jerk programmed responses.

I've seen Jews(Jonah Goldberg, and others) called "Nazis" because they weren't pinko. It's sick and scary both. Also, for a group that is largely non-religious, the Leftism takes the place of religion.

They're extremely morally self assured. So if you are on the opposite side of the spectrum, what does that make you? EEEEEEEEEEEEEEvil.

That's right. I think it was John Dewey who said that man had religious feelings, and as a nonreligious person he wanted to construct a philosophy that lets people acknowledge that without being religious. The religious feeling wasn't something to avoid, just religion.

Naturally, he was also a Progressive and wanted the educational system to reflect that. Look at the French revolution, or the Greek anarchists, or the Weathermen! Total religious fanaticism.

Without the religion. It's happened to me before. Awhile ago I had an answer reported as violating the community guidelines.

I was busy and foolish and shrugged it off. I was not aware of the 7 day limit to repeal, and didn't take the time to deal with it anyway. Later I read the notification report and the one line reason given for my answer being deleted?

"Hate speech and violence".!?!?! There wasn't even a joke about violence in my post. I was talking about "The State Against Blacks" by Walter Williams and some of the material in it, and how racist unions used to keep blacks out and unemployed.

I also brought up "Losing Ground" by Charles Murray. Somehow, that was hate speech. I would've taken the time for an appeal if I had read that.

And I would've won too, I'm sure. I still don't know in what universe my deleted post was hate speech. Because in Leftist eyes, ripping a union for their racism..apparently is.

Those who do not experience racism and sexism are oblivious to it's presence in the lives of others...

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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