Let me help cure your stupidity. 1) Powerful and Continuing Nationalism. - A trait common in liberal states.
From NAZI Germany, to Soviet Russia to North Korea today. 2) Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights - Again, another trait universal to liberal states.. like NAZI Germnay, Soviet Russia and North Korea today. 3) Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause - Again, another common liberal trait.
From NAZI hatred of Jews to Obama's endless blaming of Bush, conservatives or ATM machines. 4) Supremacy of the Military. - Yes, actually this is a common liberal trait.
Again, see left wing states like NAZI Germany, Soviet Russia or watch some video of the recent Kim Jong Il funeral. 5) Rampant Sexism. - This was never a trait of fascist states, you make yourself look like an idiot by claming it is.
6) Controlled Mass Media. - This is the very essence of liberalism. Hell, Obama and Washington Democrats were pushing for laws to silence any opposition to them with the "fairness doctrine" only a few years ago.
7) Obsession with National Security. - Again, see left wing states like NAZI Germany, Soviet Russia and North Korea today. A VERY liberal trait.
8) Religion and Government are Intertwined. - This was never a trait of fascist states, you make yourself look like an idiot by claming it is. 9) Corporate Power is Protected.
- You're right.. liberals hate corporations. Well, except the ones who donate enough to their causes. *cough* SOLYNDRA *cough 10) Labor Power is Suppressed.
- A VERY, VERY, VERY liberal trait. Just look at the violence liberals direct towards anybody who wants to get a job without joining a union. 11) Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts.
- This was never a trait of fascist states, you make yourself look like an idiot by claming it is. 12) Obsession with Crime and Punishment. - The record of liberal states like NAZI Germany, Soviet Russia and North Korea today say this is indeed a very liberal trait.
And the worst crime in these liberal states, was to dare think for yourself and want freedom.
Most scholars, at least ones who are not biased one way or another, put National Socialism, or Nazism, outside of the left-right paradigm. Although, I will correct some of your ridiculous statements above with facts about the Nazi Party : Believed in Eugenics - LEFT WING Were anti-religious and banned organized religion, often replacing places of worship with "Nazi Community Centers" and replacing religious symbols with pictures of Adolf Hitler - LEFT WING (Hitler himself and many of the Party members were either atheist or believed in a hybrid of the Occult and Norse Mythology) Banned Smoking - LEFT WING Enacted National Health and Fitness Programs and socialized medicine - LEFT WING Government took over the means of production - LEFT WING Required national service for citizens (conscription) - LEFT WING The only reason so many leftists try to say that Nazis were the opposite of them is because they were enemies of the communists...when in reality, the two were very similar. The only hints of right wing behavior exhibited by the Nazis was strong nationalism, and militarism.
Try reading a history book sometime that wasn't written by a left-wing history revisionist...that is, IF YOU CAN READ.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.