No idea which is best and obviously Le Creusets is cashy! Asked by AuntSassy 5 months ago Similar questions: personal opinions type cast iron pans cooking gas stove Food & Drink > Cooking.
Similar questions: personal opinions type cast iron pans cooking gas stove.
I use a Lodge Cast Iron skillet and a Lodge Dutch Oven. They weigh a ton but really cook food nicely. As a matter of fact an Askville member recomended them to me.
He is a camper and uses Lodge all the time. Just remember not to use soap when cleaning them. Just warm water and a nylon brush.
The more you use them the better they clean. The Lodge pans come already seasoned. I did a quick google and I see they make light weight cast iron but they are not Lodge.
And yes, I have a gas stove. You do not have to spend a lot of money for a designer cast iron pans. You are just spending more for a name.
That's what I thought. I actually ordered a lodge skillet with a lid this week and was hoping I would like it. I also bought some special scrapers that they say are good for cleaning the pan.
I didn't know you weren't supposed to use soap. What kind of cleaner can you use? Thanks so much for your input.
Makes me glad I decided to go with Lodge. They were just cheaper and I need a whole bunch of things and love cast iron cooking. Thanks again!
AuntSassy 5 months ago .
Don't use any kind of cleaner. The seasoning they do to the pans will make it easy to clean. After using them put them in warm water right away and with the nylon scrapper they will clean right up.Be sure you dry them well or they will rust.
What I do is after I clean and dry them, I do a little spray of PAM (very small amoutn) rub it around with a paper towel and put the pans away. The Lodge website will give you lots of information and even some recipes.
Thanks! I got the skillet today and love it! The lid is on its way and I can't wait to get more.
I will do the Pam thing for the storage. Thanks! I ordered those special scrapers and I won't use soap on it.
Thanks so much! AuntSassy 5 months ago .
Lodge: dry well and coat with a little veg oil while it's stored. This will keep it from rusting too.
Thanks! I was wondering about rusting. AuntSassy 5 months ago .
Got a Lodge skillet today and love it! AuntSassy 5 months ago .
Lodge, they will last several lifetimes, AND you can buy them pre-seasoned if you want.
Thanks! I ended up buying a Lodge skillet and lid this week and am going to try it and see before I buy a stock pot, griddle, etc. I love cast iron cooking and need pans DESPERATELY! Thanks for the information.
AuntSassy 5 months ago .
AWESOME! I'm drooling over the 3 piece combo at their website, only$55 and it can be used 3 ways. I would love to replace every thing I have with cast iron.
I really really want a deep chicken fryer. IMO you can't beat cast ion for frying chicken .
True! They make a chicken fryer in cast iron with a lid and it looks awesome! E-bay has a lot of cast iron for reasonable prices.
That's where I got my LODGE skillet. There are people selling large lots of cast iron on there and I am going to replace it all! AuntSassy 5 months ago .
I was looking at the Lodge cast iron on eBay too LOL, I think thats where I'm going to get mine also.
I got my cast iron Lodge skillet today and I LOVE IT! There is a guy who has a closeout from a store somewhere on E-bay and he has super reasonable prices on the stuff. I ordered lid for the skillet today.It's seasoned, heavy, and really nice!
I love it! AuntSassy 5 months ago .
I'm green with envy! What are you going to cook first? I've got @ 6 items on eBay saved to my watch list, going to go look for that seller you mentioned that has a closeout store.
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