Libya is a UN action not a US action. State versus Fed rights seems to be the best answer but the real reason is that having a hidden underclass of workers without rights that work at a fraction of the cost of hiring legal workers means that the US no longer owns slaves - just rent them. The super violence at the border is scary.
Border Patrol gets killed, Mexicans get shot for throwing rocks and the lowest and most abused are the OTM's, (Other Than Mexican) who are stripped naked in the desert left to die. Not a nice place to be. Did a story on it and it's so horrible that Hubpages won't put any ads on it.
Trigger warning: graphic images.
Obama's rationale for going after Arizona is rooted in his dislike of strong State's Rights. He and the justice department claim that if Arizona is able to establish laws, then all 50 states will follow. The logic just does not hold up because all 50 states do not have a border problem like Arizona does.
That could be remedied easy enough by simply issues an executive order prohibiting any state without border frontage from creating laws to regulate immigration. You can't have it both ways in lagging to take any real action on the federal level and them denying any of the states the opportunity to protect their citizens and their assets. Obama is a big government man...he wants all the power centralized.
He is also a sap for the Muslim cause because he sees it as all powerful and wants to be a part of it in some fashion. The religion has a lot of the philosphy that he embraces although he claims to be Christian. With regard to Libya, I think it is just another example of his lack of a consistent foreign policy approach.
They are all over the board and change horses every half hour. The true transparency in his Presidency is that what you see here is what you really get...chaos and confusion. WB.
Sometimes illegals become legals. For example if you are seeking refugee status, you often have to escape your country illegally and thus, enter another country illegally. Then, you would have to apply for the refugee status but you would have entered a country as an illegal alien and you will remain so until granted the refugee status; if not you get deported.It is needed for people to enter countries illegally at times.
It's not always black or white - there's gray too.
SheriSappYou fail to recognize the significance of the Hajj. It mainly occurs at a specific time of the year, plus the paperwork to even get into Mecca if you aren't an Asian/Middle Eastern resident is less than easy to obtain. Christianity has no sort of religious pilgrimage in their doctrine, aside from Catholics being encouraged to visit Jerusalem and the Vatican, if only for their historical wealth.
Also, the ACLU has no business defending christianity, rather a vacation to a religious site, because it was designed to defend MINORITY thoughts/orientations/stances/ideologies in a nation that was at the time very homogeneous. @Wayne BrownWell thought out argument on Arizona/States' Rights. The only thing is that foreign intervention is unique depending on the location.
Different tactics/strategies are required for that particular location. For example, in Vietnam napalm was used to burn essentially everything (clear out hiding spots/vegetation). This would not work in Siberia or SAHEL/Maghreb Africa. Like a suit to a man, warfare has to be tailored to work just right.
In my eyes the whole Arizona thing. Using so much violence against illegals and immigrants is disgusting and hypocritical. Americans in general seem to forget who they themselves are.
They just happened to be illegals with superior warfare. If all the mexicans would come in and kill all americans and start living in America then they would be exactly the same as your great great grandparents. So cut them some slack.
Being so defensive over land that was not yours to begin with.(guess this will get me some minus points, haha).
Obama only and always supports those with disdain and disregard for our constitution and the enforcement of our laws. The entire group of so-called lib elites seems to have a mental blcok about the meaning of the word ILLEGAL! Look at Holder's D.O.J.And their defense of a muslim teacher demanding a three week leave for her religious pilgrimmage.
If a Christian wanted a leave for a religious event, the ACLU and the D.O.J. Would NEVER consider intervention on THAT person's behalf!
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.