Eliot Spitzer?

Eliot Spitzer... If you could say anything you wanted to Eliot Spitzer now that he has resigned as governer, what would you say to him... Asked by dhaber 45 months ago Similar questions: Eliot Spitzer Politics & Law > Politics.

I would say.. "I hope you are actually sorry, and not just sorry you got caught. " I don't know much about this guy, he could have been a good governor, he could have done great things, but now the only thing he will be remembered for this prostitution debacle.

1 "I hope it was worth it. " I hope it was worth the embarrassment, the pain, his family, his career, his friends, his reputation, and the humiliation.

I hope it was worth it. " I hope it was worth the embarrassment, the pain, his family, his career, his friends, his reputation, and the humiliation.

2 I hope you are ashamed of yourself. What were you thinking? .

I hope you are ashamed of yourself. What were you thinking?

3 Instead of visiting a hooker while you were in Washington D.C. Why didn't you visit President Bush and tell him to do something about the high cost of gas we are all being foced to pay for. Shame on you.

Instead of visiting a hooker while you were in Washington D.C. Why didn't you visit President Bush and tell him to do something about the high cost of gas we are all being foced to pay for. Shame on you.

I thought Jewish people were supposed to be more “thrifty”?8. Haven’t you ever heard of Craig’s List?7. Was she worth it, and if so, do you have her number?

6.80 grand! Don’t you know how to comparison shop?5. So did you just “forget” what you learned as Attorney General about how the feds track bank transfers, or what’s up with that?4.

You do know that a lot of women will give it up for dinner and a movie, right?3. Might I suggest your next job…narrating superhero cartoons? (Every time I hear his voice, I expect him to say, "Meanwhile, back at the Justice League.

")2. Couldn’t you have put up a mistress in a nice apartment for less than 80 grand?1. Don’t you have chubby interns at the Governor’s mansion?

Let me preface this by saying it's probably in poor taste, but it's meant to be humorous, and some of it's a bit risque, so if you're easily offended, please skip this post. I assure you though, I mean no offense to anyone, so without further adieu I present to you:Top ten things I’d ask Eliot Spitzer:10. So, is she a spitzer or a swallowzer?9.

I thought Jewish people were supposed to be more “thrifty”?8. Haven’t you ever heard of Craig’s List?7. Was she worth it, and if so, do you have her number?

6.80 grand! Don’t you know how to comparison shop?5. So did you just “forget” what you learned as Attorney General about how the feds track bank transfers, or what’s up with that?4.

You do know that a lot of women will give it up for dinner and a movie, right?3. Might I suggest your next job…narrating superhero cartoons? (Every time I hear his voice, I expect him to say, "Meanwhile, back at the Justice League.

")2. Couldn’t you have put up a mistress in a nice apartment for less than 80 grand?1. Don’t you have chubby interns at the Governor’s mansion?

" "Who else has given up on politics and politicians?" "Tell me about Arizona ... (this isn't about politics! )" "politics" "what was eliot abrams indicted for in the nixon years? " "Governor Spitzer of NY has given aliens the ability to obtain driver licenses without proof of residency." "How can I find a study guide for George Eliot's 'Daniel Deronda'?

Tell me about Arizona ... (this isn't about politics! ).

Governor Spitzer of NY has given aliens the ability to obtain driver licenses without proof of residency.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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