Gridview RowCommand not working?

Your gridview doesn't have the event wired up in its markup.

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I am having problems trying to get a rowcommand event to fire in a gridview. I followed the code example from MSDNet but I cannot figure out why it is not working. The code is below.

Thank you. '> Low Medium High None " /> ++Code Behind +++ Sub GridViewProducts_RowCommand(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As GridViewCommandEventArgs) If e. CommandName = "Test" Then Dim index = Convert.

ToInt32(e. CommandArgument) Dim row = GridViewProducts. Rows(index) Dim MyString As String = row.

Cells(0). Text strSQL = "INSERT INTO tblClosedProducts (" & _ "Product, ClosedBy, DateClosed " & _ ") VALUES (" & _ "@Product, @ClosedBy, @DateClosed " & _ ")" Dim MyParameters1 As SqlParameter() = { _ New SqlParameter("@Product", SqlDbType. VarChar), _ New SqlParameter("@ClosedBy", SqlDbType.

VarChar), _ New SqlParameter("@DateClosed", SqlDbType. SmallDateTime) _ } MyParameters1(0). Value = row.

Cells(0). Text MyParameters1(1). Value = GetInfo.

GetFullName(UCase(Right(HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name.ToString(), 4))) MyParameters1(2). Value = DateAdd("h", -1, Now()) objData. SQLExecuteNonQuery(strSQL, CommandType.

Text, MyParameters1) End If End Sub gridview rowcommand link|improve this question edited 16 hours agoJoel Coehoorn123k34225421 asked Dec 2 '10 at 15:51Mike141211 74% accept rate.

Your gridview doesn't have the event wired up in its markup. Try adding in onrowcommand="GridViewProducts_RowCommand" so it looks like this.

Thank you so much! That was the problem. Can ask one more question?

Is this the correct way to get the second column value? – Mike Dec 2 '10 at 16:11 Dim MyString As String = row. Cells(1).

Text I am trying get the value from column 2. – Mike Dec 2 '10 at 16:12.

RtpHarry is correct, and that is a valid way to wire up the event. Another method of wiring the event would be to change the signature of your method in the code behind to add Handles Me. GridViewProducts.

RowCommand to the end: Sub GridViewProducts_RowCommand(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As GridViewCommandEventArgs) Handles Me. GridViewProducts.RowCommand.

Protected void Add_Update_Remove_Row(int Index, string Operation) { //DataTable dt = (DataTable)ViewState"Table_BinaryPayment"; int ID = Index; Label lblddt = (Label)GridView1.RowsIndex. FindControl("Label2"); Label lblttm = (Label)GridView1.RowsIndex. FindControl("Label1"); Label lblid = (Label)GridView1.RowsIndex.

FindControl("lblID"); Label lblaeamt = (Label)GridView1.RowsIndex. FindControl("lblamt"); Label lblprojID = (Label)GridView1.RowsIndex. FindControl("lblprojectID"); Label lblpaydetails = (Label)GridView1.RowsIndex.

FindControl("lblpaydetails"); Label lblexpdate = (Label)GridView1.RowsIndex. FindControl("lblExpDate"); Label lblexpttime = (Label)GridView1.RowsIndex. FindControl("lblExpTime"); Label lblalloycodes = (Label)GridView1.RowsIndex.

FindControl("lblalloycode"); Label lblalloyrates = (Label)GridView1.RowsIndex. FindControl("lblalloyRate"); Label lbladddelivered = (Label)GridView1.RowsIndex. FindControl("lbladdtodeliver"); Label lblEID = (Label)GridView1.RowsIndex.

FindControl("lblEID"); ViewState"DispTime" = lblttm. Text; ViewState"ExpTime" = lblexpttime. Text; if (Operation == "Modify") { //lblchqNo.

Text = txtchequeNO1. Text; //lblchqDate. Text = txtchequeDate1.

Text; //lblAccountNo. Text = txtAccountNo. Text; //lblBName.

Text = txtBankName. Text; lblddt. Text = txtdispdate.

Text; if (ddldisphr.SelectedItem. Text == "00" & ddldispmin.SelectedItem. Text == "00" & ddldispsec.SelectedItem.

Text == "00") { lblttm. Text = ViewState"DispTime".ToString(); } else { lblttm. Text = (ddldisphr.SelectedItem.

Text + ":" + ddldispmin.SelectedItem. Text + ":" + ddldispsec.SelectedItem. Text); } if (ddlexphr.SelectedItem.

Text == "00" & ddlexpmin. Text == "00" & ddlexpsec. Text == "00") { lblexpttime.

Text = ViewState"ExpTime".ToString(); } else { lblexpttime. Text = (ddlexphr.SelectedItem. Text + ":" + ddlexpmin.

Text + ":" + ddlexpsec. Text); } lblaeamt. Text = txtadvPayment.

Text; lblpaydetails. Text = txtpaymentdetails. Text; lblexpdate.

Text = txtexpdate. Text; lblalloycodes. Text = ddlalloycode.SelectedItem.

Text; lblalloyrates. Text = txtalloyrate. Text; lbladddelivered.

Text = txtaadtodel. Text; //ExecuteProcedures ex = new ExecuteProcedures(4); //string proc="Inse_Clientorder"; //ex.Parameters. Add("@dtPayment_Date", SqlDbType.

DateTime, lblddt. Text); //ex.Parameters. Add("@Dispath_Time", SqlDbType.

VarChar, lblttm. Text); //ex.Parameters. Add("@Enquiry_ID", SqlDbType.

VarChar, ID ); //ex.Parameters. Add("@numAdvance_Amount", SqlDbType. Float , Convert.

ToDouble(txtadvPayment. Text )); //bool s = ex. InvokeProcedure(proc); ExecuteProcedures ex = new ExecuteProcedures(12); //string proc = "Inse_Clientorder123"; string proc = "Inse_Clientorder321"; ex.Parameters.

Add("@dtPayment_Date", SqlDbType. DateTime, Convert. ToDateTime(lblddt.

Text)); //if (ddldisphr.SelectedItem. Text == "00" & ddldispmin.SelectedItem. Text == "00" & ddldispsec.SelectedItem.

Text == "00") //{ // ex.Parameters. Add("@Dispath_Time", SqlDbType. VarChar, ViewState"DispTime"); //} //else //{ // ex.Parameters.

Add("@Dispath_Time", SqlDbType. VarChar, lblttm. Text); //} //if (ddlexphr.SelectedItem.

Text == "00" & ddlexpmin. Text == "00" & ddlexpsec. Text == "00") //{ // ex.Parameters.

Add("@ExpTime", SqlDbType. VarChar, ViewState"ExpTime"); //} //else //{ // ex.Parameters. Add("@ExpTime", SqlDbType.

VarChar, lblexpttime. Text); //} ex.Parameters. Add("@Dispath_Time", SqlDbType.

VarChar, lblttm. Text); ex.Parameters. Add("@ExpTime", SqlDbType.

VarChar, lblexpttime. Text); ex.Parameters. Add("@Advance_Payment_ID", SqlDbType.

Int, Convert. ToInt32(lblid. Text)); ex.Parameters.

Add("@numAdvance_Amount", SqlDbType. VarChar, lblaeamt. Text); ex.Parameters.

Add("@AlooyCode", SqlDbType. VarChar, lblalloycodes. Text); ex.Parameters.

Add("@numRate", SqlDbType. Float, Convert. ToDouble(lblalloyrates.

Text)); ex.Parameters. Add("@vcrDescription", SqlDbType. VarChar, lbladddelivered.

Text); ex.Parameters. Add("@Client_Ordered_Projects_ID", SqlDbType. Int, Convert.

ToInt32(lblprojID. Text)); ex.Parameters. Add("@Enquiry_ID", SqlDbType.

Int, Convert. ToInt32(lblEID. Text)); ex.Parameters.

Add("@dtExpectedPayment_Date", SqlDbType. DateTime, Convert. ToDateTime(lblexpdate.

Text)); ex.Parameters. Add("@vcrPayment_Details", SqlDbType. VarChar, lblpaydetails.

Text); bool s = ex. InvokeProcedure(proc); if (s == true) { CommonFunctions. Alert("Records Updated Successfully", this.

Page); } else { CommonFunctions. Alert("Error In Updation", this. Page); } clear(); } } protected void GridView1_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e) { //if (e.

CommandName == "Modify") //{ // string strID = e.CommandArgument.ToString(); // strID = CommonFunctions. Encrypt(strID); // Response. Redirect("Client_Order.

Aspx? Project_ID=" + strID); //} if (e. CommandName == "Modify") { string strID = e.CommandArgument.ToString(); int intRowIndex = ((GridViewRow)((LinkButton)e.

CommandSource).Parent. Parent). RowIndex; //Sessionrowindex = intRowIndex; txtdispdate.

Text = GridView1.RowsintRowIndex. Cells6. Text; string strdisp = ((ddldisphr.SelectedItem.

Text) + ":" + (ddldispmin.SelectedItem. Text) + ":" + (ddldispsec.SelectedItem. Text)).ToString(); lbltime.

Text = GridView1.RowsintRowIndex. Cells7. Text; Label lblClienorderiid = (Label)GridView1.RowsintRowIndex.

FindControl("lblcLOID"); Label lbledate = (Label)GridView1.RowsintRowIndex. FindControl("Label2"); Label lbletime = (Label)GridView1.RowsintRowIndex. FindControl("Label1"); Label lbliid = (Label)GridView1.RowsintRowIndex.

FindControl("lblID"); Label lblaamt = (Label)GridView1.RowsintRowIndex. FindControl("lblamt"); Label lblEID = (Label)GridView1.RowsintRowIndex. FindControl("lblEID"); Label lblprojID = (Label)GridView1.RowsintRowIndex.

FindControl("lblprojectID"); Label lblpaydetails = (Label)GridView1.RowsintRowIndex. FindControl("lblpaydetails"); Label lblexpdate = (Label)GridView1.RowsintRowIndex. FindControl("lblExpDate"); Label lblexpttime = (Label)GridView1.RowsintRowIndex.

FindControl("lblExpTime"); Label lblalloycodes = (Label)GridView1.RowsintRowIndex. FindControl("lblalloycode"); Label lblalloyrates = (Label)GridView1.RowsintRowIndex. FindControl("lblalloyRate"); Label lbladddelivered = (Label)GridView1.RowsintRowIndex.

FindControl("lbladdtodeliver"); ViewState"Index" = intRowIndex; ViewState"CommandName" = e. CommandName; txtdispdate. Text = lbledate.

Text; lbltime. Text = lbletime. Text; txtadvPayment.

Text = lblaamt. Text; ddlalloycode.SelectedItem. Text = lblalloycodes.

Text; txtalloyrate. Text = lblalloyrates. Text; txtaadtodel.

Text = lbladddelivered. Text; txtpaymentdetails. Text = lblpaydetails.

Text; txtexpdate. Text = lblexpdate. Text; lblexptimess.

Text = lblexpttime. Text; pnl2. Visible = true; //lbltime.

Text = lbltm. Text; //Add_Update_Remove_Row( intRowIndex , e. CommandName); } else if (e.

CommandName == "Del") { string strID = e.CommandArgument.ToString(); string strSql = "Delete from Client_Order where Client_ID = " + strID; string str_query = "Update Enquiry set OrderExecuted='No' where Enquiry_ID = " + strID; //string str_query = "delete from Enquiry where Enquiry_ID = " + strID; Dentry de = new Dentry(); de. RunCommand(strSql); de. RunCommand(str_query); Bind_Data(); } else if(e.

CommandName =="Invoice") { string strID = e.CommandArgument.ToString(); strID = CommonFunctions. Encrypt(strID); string strType = CommonFunctions. Encrypt("New"); Response.

Redirect("New_Order_Project_Invoice_Entry. Aspx? Project_ID=" + strID + "&Type=" + strType); } else if (e.

CommandName == "Delivered") { string strId = e.CommandArgument.ToString(); string str_query = "Update Enquiry set vcrDelivered='Yes' where Enquiry_ID=" + strId; Dentry de = new Dentry(); de. RunCommand(str_query); Bind_Data(); } } protected void GridView1_RowCreated(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e) { if (e.Row. RowIndex > -1) { LinkButton lnk = (LinkButton)e.Row.

FindControl("lnkDelete"); lnk.Attributes. Add("onClick", "return confirm('Are you sure to delete this record? ');"); } }.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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