Has Walmart banned it's employees from saying Merry Christmas, Season's Greetings, and Happy Holidays? What gives?

Some one informed me that Walmart employees are banned from saying "Merry Christmas", Happy Holidays, and Season's Greetings, etc.If someone wishes them a Yuletide greeting...they are to respond ie: "Back to you"... if they are caught verbalizing the usual Yultide greeting they will be fired! What gives?! Who was the waitress/waiter that served up an order of "Bah Humbug" to these people?!

What's your take? Asked by CALIDEE_MOO! 48 months ago Similar questions: Walmart banned employees Merry Christmas Season's Happy Holidays Society > Holidays.

Similar questions: Walmart banned employees Merry Christmas Season's Happy Holidays.

Urban myth taken to new extremes of paranoia Your friend is passing on a long out-of-date overreaction to a simple business guideline, which has apparently been embellished with still more reactionary silliness. Read the entry at Snopes.com. Sources: snopes.com/politics/christmas/walmart.asp .

While I do not do business with Wal-Mart for other reasons... and so cannot test the theory, this sounds like someone has taken an attempt at political correctness and overdone it. Considering that I am sure Wal-Mart is still selling all of the trappings of the holidays, I cannot imagine them banning the greetings for personal reasons. Therefore I conclude that they are attempting to avoid offending those who, for whatever reason, do not celebrate a particular holiday, or holidays in general.

While I am open minded enough to accept a holiday greeting, even for a holiday I don't celebrate, in the spirit it is given. I understand that nowadays there are people out there who are eager to be offended. There are people who are looking for something to complain about.

There are people who will respond to "merry christmas" like I would respond to a slap in the face. Therefore, more and more businesses are being neurotically careful to avoid giving any excuse for offense. Now, the logical thing would be that employees could respond to greetings in kind, however some employees might feel offended at the expectation that they might be expected to wish them a holiday greeting that the employee doesn't believe in.

Therefore, the corporate solution is to disassociate the company from holiday sentiments. If you tell the employees not to wish anyone a Merry Christmas, and someone complains when an employee does, the management can disassociate itself from the employee. At least that seems like the logical train of thought to me.

TheLightWorks's Recommendations Mickey's Christmas Carol Amazon List Price: $12.98 Used from: $6.99 Average Customer Rating: 4.5 out of 5 (based on 36 reviews) The Muppet Christmas Carol - Kermit's 50th Anniversary Edition Amazon List Price: $19.99 Used from: $9.98 Average Customer Rating: 4.5 out of 5 (based on 220 reviews) Christmas Licorice Hard Coal Candy (5 Oz Bag) Mary Did You Know? : 17 Inspirational Christmas Songs From Today's Top Country Artists Amazon List Price: $18.98 Used from: $12.95 Christmas Carol Amazon List Price: $9.98 Used from: $3.00 Average Customer Rating: 4.5 out of 5 (based on 168 reviews) Scrooged Amazon List Price: $14.98 Used from: $12.983 Average Customer Rating: 4.5 out of 5 (based on 86 reviews) Christmas Extraordinaire Amazon List Price: $12.98 Used from: $5.94 Average Customer Rating: 3.5 out of 5 (based on 91 reviews) Old World Christmas Santa White Brocade with Handmade Belgian Chocolate Truffles Gift (1.5 Oz) Stories Behind the Best-Loved Songs of Christmas (Stories Behind Books) Amazon List Price: $112.987 Used from: $12.988 Average Customer Rating: 4.0 out of 5 (based on 12 reviews) .

I don't know about wal-mart, but some places a specific greeting is discouraged. I'm not sure about banned, but I know many jobs that involve direct interaction with the general public will discourage a specific holiday greeting. Policies such as this are a direct result of some people becoming needlessly offended and causing a scene about the most mundane things I don't personally agree with it but it is the nature of the world we live in.

Sources: Knowledge and experience .

Heh Sounds like another round of Fox News Fantasy. I guess BillO needs to have his meds adjusted again.

The state religion of secular humanism has triumphed over religious literacy and tolerance. It is against political correctness to wish a Jew "Merry Christmas" as it causes stress by emphasizing their religious minority status. And atheists are just bad sports who begrudge you, your season of joy because it highlights their lack of similar "holidays".

If we do not lower ourselves to the lowest common denominator we are labeled "elitist". If we display our submission to God and our dependence upon God's mercy we implicitly rebel against the all embracing state that wants to solve all our problems and command all our allegiance. By saying "Merry Christmas" we are imposing our moral values on our culture.

Since we do not require Jews to wear identifying patches and since we cannot know the stranger's or customer's religious convictions, we can use the phrase "Happy Holidays" as a non-offensive place keeper to avoid that embarrassing silence usually filled by "Have a nice day". Ideally, if we are warm and caring people who are sincere in our beliefs, we should be able to say to all our neighbors a sentiment that conveys our joy concerning the particular holiday we enjoy celebrating. Happy Hanukka and Merry Christmas!

May you have a meaningful fast during Ramadan. Happy Kwanzaa! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanukka http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christmas http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kwanzaa http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ramadan Sources: just my opinion .

" "Merry Christmas happy holidays to all good folks that I have come to know, peace of mind and heart in the new year ahead" "Do you actually KNOW anyone who gets upset with either "happy holidays" or "merry christmas"?" "Merry Christmas, Happy Yuletide, Happy Holidays, Good Solstice, Happy Festivus, Happy Saturnalia et al to all Askville" "Happy Christmas Everyone! Or If You Prefer - Merry Christmas! " "Happy Holidays, Everyone!" "What do you want most for Christmas/ the holidays?

" "Do you wish people Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays?

What I Did on My Christmas Holidays" Sally Sparrow.

Merry Christmas happy holidays to all good folks that I have come to know, peace of mind and heart in the new year ahead.

Merry Christmas, Happy Yuletide, Happy Holidays, Good Solstice, Happy Festivus, Happy Saturnalia et al to all Askville.

Happy Christmas Everyone! Or If You Prefer - Merry Christmas!

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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