How can a Christian proudly claim that atheists have deathbed conversions? Pride? Isn't shame more appropriate?

It is important to understand that time makes no difference when considering the quality of conversion. Either the person is converted or he isn't. The only difference time makes is for experience in the Christian walk.

The main question you need answered is whether he is truly born-again. Why does it matter so much? Isn't going to church and asking forgiveness enough?

Here’s the problem. We have all broken God's Law, the Ten Commandments. Who hasn't told a lie, stolen, used God's name in vain, or lusted after another person?

We will all stand in God's courtroom one day and answer for everything we have ever done. If we are guilty (and we all are), we will end up in God's prison, which is Hell. Maybe you think that's brutal, but look at it this way: if I lie to my sister, she can do nothing about it.

If I lie to my wife, I will be sleeping on the couch and possibly headed for divorce. If I lie to the IRS, I can go to jail for a long time. The punishment does not increase based on what kind of lie I tell, it increases based on the importance of the one I am lying to.

Therefore, lying to God is the most serious kind of lying I can do and deserves the most severe punishment. So we ALL deserve to go to Hell. The Bible says, "all liars will have their part in the Lake of Fire".

Everyone must pay for their crimes, and God's standard is perfection. None of us measure up. How will YOU fare on that day?

We will all stand before God on Judgment Day, just like standing before a judge in a courtroom, and the Judge will pass sentence. So what can we do? Jesus Christ paid the penalty for our sins in His life's blood.

You broke God's Law, Jesus paid your fine. That means your case can legally be dismissed and you can walk free from the courtroom on the Day of Judgment. What you must do to receive this free gift is repent (turn from your sin and agree with God that it is wrong) and trust in Jesus Christ ALONE to save you, like you trust in the pilot of an airplane when you fly.

As soon as you do that, God will wipe your sins away as if you had never sinned, and you will be given a clean slate. The Holy Spirit will come to live inside you at that moment, and will help you change your life to be an obedient follower of Jesus Christ. You could pray something like this: “God, today I turn from all my sins (name them).

I put my trust in Jesus Christ alone as my Lord and Savior. Please forgive me and give me the gift of everlasting life. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.”

Then have faith in God. Your prayer will be shown to be real by your obedience to God’s Word. So don't put it off.

None of us can be sure that we will be alive tomorrow, and once we die it is too late. Repent and trust in the Savior today. Find a good Bible-believing church to attend so you can fellowship with other believers, be encouraged and grow in faith.

Then get a Bible and read it every day and obey what you read, and God will never let you down! So that is what it means to be truly born-again. You can know a true Christian by his fruit.

If there is no fruit, then maybe there is no Christian. I am careful not to pass judgment, but you can use this to lovingly confront him if you see no evidence of obedience to God in his life. Remember, they are adults and have the right to do as they please.

If he is truly born-again, he will welcome the accountability and strive to show you he is worthy of your daughter. He will not be doing things that give even a hint of wrongdoing. Hope this helps.

Your daughter is 23. She can date a serial killer if she likes. You have no say, so you should get over yourself.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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