How can Hell be a place of fiery torment where God Almighty supposedly sends bad people to roast?

You need to read what the Bible writers came up for HELL! By believing in “Jesus” the Bible writers came up with the story that you will get a virtual first row seat in Heaven to watch how the vast majority of the world population of all the world history perhaps into the TRILLIONS including all your “unsaved” family members and everybody else who NEVER HEARD about JESUS CHRIST THE SAVIOR OF THE WORLD or were of the wrong Church brand will be tormented one by one in a sulfuric lake of fire called Hell that is located in the “DEPTH” of the Flat Bible Earth for ever and ever. Jesus is on record encouraging Christians to poke fun at all those in Hell by showing a wet big finger sticking up in the air for them to lick to quench their thirst.

According to the Bible writers there is no fresh water in Hell. In preparation for Heaven, Jesus is teaching that you must abhor your father and your mother and everybody else to follow him, especially if they are "unsaved" and go to HELL (Luk 14:26)! In Heaven you will hear a lot of “I told you so” from God the Son Jesus Christ.

The Bible writers thought of everything, even some teasing games that low IQ Christians would love to play with those tormented in Hell who, according to Jesus, missed the “strait gate” or couldn’t find the “narrow way” to Heaven no matter how hard they tried (Mat 7:13-14)! Luke 16:23-25-NIV (Here the LORD Jesus Christ is describing Hell…) AND BEING IN TORMENTS IN HELL, he* (*not a gay person, or a Godless atheist, or an abortionist, but a rich Jewish guy that Jesus came to save!) lifted up his eyes* (*from Hell down in the depth of the Earth) and saw Abraham afar off* (*In Heaven beyond the last seen galaxy), and Lazarus in his bosom* (*in this Bible story those in Hell will recognize EVERYBODY up in Heaven, and vise versa! Anyone marrying more than once will have some of their spouses in HELL while others may be in Heaven with them, hopefully the nicer ones!).

“Then he cried and said, ‘Father Abraham* (*Abraham is a boss in Heaven. Saint Peter was not there yet when Jesus was telling this story), have mercy on me, and send Lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue; FOR I AM TORMENTED IN THIS FLAME. ’ (and Jesus all excited and turned on like mad continues the story telling…) But Abraham said, ‘Son* (*Abraham was kin to this rich Jew in Hell!

There is no compassion in Heaven for any family member ending up in Hell! As a normal emotion for any human being Christians today expect that God will erase their memory about knowing anybody in Hell so they can enjoy being in Heaven with JESUS, but that is NOT what the Bible writers say!), REMEMBER* (*HAVE MEMORY ALL YE IN HELL! People in Heaven and Hell will never loose their memory otherwise “Heaven” wouldn’t be any fun at all according to the perverts who wrote the Bible!) that in your lifetime you received your good things* (*in this story, “SIN” is to be rich!), and likewise Lazarus evil things* (*Lazarus never even heard about Jesus!); but now he is comforted* (*FOR EVER AND EVER because he was a poor beggar!) and YOU ARE TORMENTED* (*for the same never ending length of time because he was a rich man!

BTW… millions of gullible people become Christians because of this story in the Bible!). This is not the only specific description in the Bible of what any “poor” Jew or Christian would be doing in Heaven except for “worshiping” the Bible God NON-STOP WITHOUT ANY REST DAY AND NIGHT FOR EVER AND EVER FOR BILLIONS AND TRILLIONS OF YEARS, while at same time poking fun at all those being tormented in Hell…! Revelation 4:8 (KJV) …and they REST NOT DAY AND NIGHT, saying, Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come…(they may get tired, but they don’t get any rest!) The Judeo/Christian/Islamic religion is so primitive that it is no joke!

The Bible God promised the Jews to be “rich lenders and not borrowers” like this RICH JEW NOW IN HELL, but if they don’t obey God through their Clergy/Priests/Preachers or what have you they will be cursed into becoming “slaves and borrowers” like this POOR BEGGAR LAZARUS who is now in Heaven! I know that it sounds screwy, but that’s what the Bible writers came up with! Christians are trained to believe that there are no contradictions in the Bible stories!

How else can they go to “Heaven?

Well, it could be both if a fiery lake IS your worst nightmare...I'm just saying. I don't think it lasts forever; I think if you do not make it to heaven, you experience physical and spiritual death. No eternal anything...just death.

Peace, Bill.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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