How do crocodiles get their food?

Crocodiles live in many different countries and habitats. This generally dictates what food is available and what and how they hunt. I have selected Crocodilus Porosus for the main answer as it my most favourite living dinosaur THE JUVENILES The Saltwater Crocodile of Australasia starts life in a creche, protected by its' mother for the first few weeks of its life.

This is typical of many species They are largely reliant on insects, but can catch small fish and other small reptiles when they are young. They slowly include larger prey such as rodents, other amphibians, reptiles and larger fish THE WANDERER They can venture well over 300Km out to sea and inland, making them very adaptable to many aquatic and marine environments HOW BIG? When reaching larger sizes and weighing over a ton, or even two ton or more, their diet may include large cattle and other very large animals.

They also will feed on carrion and birds when the opportunity exists. The largest ever recorded reportedly measured 28 feet 4 inches (over 8.6 metres). They continue to grow throughout their entire life SMART THINKER They are seen as an intelligent and patient hunter by the way they can identify different animals habits of using a particular entry point or drinking spot, often only once or twice, then remember the time and frequency of this.

They will often lay in waiting with only their nostrils and eyes visible above water, for the prey to return, sometimes days later THE HUNTER They will slowly curl their tail, creep very slowly closer, position their legs forward, and then propel their entire body out of the water with such speed and force that often when they miss with their deadly jaws, the force and power of their body is sufficient to knock the prey off-ballance where the crocodile then can have a good chance of snapping its' head sideways and getting a viscous tooth-hold on the prey There are many other crocodiles that feed solely on insects, small reptiles and fish, and some may include other invertebrates and carrion in their diet A CRANKY BEAST The Male Saltwater Crocodile prefers its' own large territory and often gets into a deadly fight with others to protect it. Females are sometimes driven off too. Most fights between males occur during the mating season when many males leave their territory in search of a mate WATCH OUT This is also the main time that they become a threat to us as they often venture into cities and townships marine and aquatic areas and won't differentiate between a human and other potential prey if the opportunity presents itself.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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