How do you answer or comment on an Answer to your questions?

We haven't built this feature yet. Some people post a new answer to a question as a reply, but we don't recommend this. The reply feature is in our backlog to build.

I nomally send an email to the answerer. I hope the reply feature they are coming with will not make Q&A look like the forums.

Thank you Paul Edmondson and thank you Waterpark1 for your information. It's easy now :-).

The only way to respond to someone who answered your question is to post a response yourself. Most readers will look back at your hub to see if you responded to their question. Unfortunately, this also will boost your hub score because it will count your answer as a response to your own Hub, and it will count your visit as a view of your hub.

Both will boost your score.

From the questions page, I cannot for the life of me find a button that says "answer" that will let me expressly help out the needy. Is there a maximum answers per day for new guys to this site like myself im not aware of? Thank you.

Asked by fanmattai 50 months ago Similar questions: answer questions Computers > Internet.

They might be full Each question is only allowed 5 answers or 7 days, whichever comes first. If you are not seeing an ’Answer Question’ button, then the question might be full or expired. Or if you finding questions by searching, often older questions come up.

Sources: .

Basically if you can see other peoples answers than you won't be able to answer If you can answer than there will be a blue button that says, Answer the question, or something to that affect. There are a few reason's that you would not be able to answer the question. The obvious giveaway is if you can see what others answers are.

If you click the button to see the answers, than you can no longer answer the question yourself, but you can still communicate through the discussion board. All questions have limits. These limits are 5 answers and seven days.

The question will remain open until either of those run out. So if you cant answer than you should check to see when it was posted and how many answers there are. If the question is more than seven days old or there are five answers to the question, you will also not be able to answe the question.

Hope that helps. I just found out about this program last night so I could be wrong.

Once you find a question that does not already have 5 answers, a blue answer question bar will be available underneath the question.

1 shaelyn, regarding your answer "They might be full":thanks alot.

Shaelyn, regarding your answer "They might be full":thanks alot.

2 detcord16, regarding your answer "once you find a question that does not already have 5 answers, a blue answer question": I find this puzzling as well. I find this site hard to navigate and not user friendly. Needs improvement.

Detcord16, regarding your answer "once you find a question that does not already have 5 answers, a blue answer question": I find this puzzling as well. I find this site hard to navigate and not user friendly. Needs improvement.

" "Why does no one ever answer my questions?" "Answer these questions regarding your Internet Service.

Answer these questions regarding your Internet Service.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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