A Luau theme is great for kids because it is easily held outdoors which makes the possibilities endless when coming up with ideas for activities. To entertain kids, you just need a little creativity, a sense of humor and some advanced planning. Cut several small coconuts and a large palm tree out of construction paper.
Play the Pin the Coconut on the Tree game, which is similar to the traditional Pin the Tail on the Donkey game. Use tape on the back of the coconuts to make them stick. Place labels on things around the house and yard with the Hawaiian word that identifies it.
Give the kids the first half of the party to study them and try to learn what the words are. Break the guests into teams later in the party. Give each team two sets of flash cards, one set with the Hawaiian words on them and the other with the objects in English.
The first team to correctly match up the identical items wins a prize. Hold a limbo contest and be sure to have your video recorder ready. Buy an ... more.
If you've ever been to a children's birthday party, you know the key to success is keeping kids entertained. When throwing a camo theme party, finding creative ways to adapt traditional games and activities is easy. So if camouflage and boot camp are on your agenda, you're in luck.
Ask kids to bring white cotton T-shirts to the party. Then set up a station with iron-on transfer letters and let kids choose a nickname to put on the back of their shirt. Have an adult iron the name on and let kids wear their shirts during the activities.
Have kids sit in a circle and attend "Survival Training." Make up a story about how to survive in the wilds and have them eat silly things. Pretend raisins are ants, malted milk balls are snake eggs, and of course don't forget the gummy worms.
Let the birthday child hand out the survival food. Set up a First Aid Relay by breaking the kids into teams. Then they must select the biggest kid on the team to be the injured soldier.
The soldier lies on the ... more.
If your child has a birthday coming and you're looking for a theme party that is easy to put together, then step right up and take a trip to the circus. Kids love the color and excitement of a circus, and the possibilities are endless when looking for creative entertainment. This theme works best with plenty of adults to help and with several activities going on simultaneously allowing kids to rotate from one to the other on their own like a carnival.
Follow these steps to start planning so that you can entertain kids at a circus theme birthday party. Dress an adult in a ringmaster outfit to greet guests as they arrive at the door. Escort them to the Center Ring where they will find crayons or markers along with brown paper lunch bags.
Have them color their own bags and then use them throughout the party to hold their prizes and favors as they collect them. Cut animal paw prints out of construction paper and place on the ground in a large circle. Then, like Musical Chairs, have the ... more.
The success of any children's party is in keeping kids entertained. When throwing a construction theme birthday party for your child all you need is some advanced planning and a few inexpensive props to keep the party moving. Follow these steps to start planning.
Line up several toy dump trucks and have the guests take turns tossing bean bags into the back of the dump trucks. Have small, inexpensive prizes in a tool box for the kids to choose from, depending on how many bean bags they got in a truck. Buy some toy tools and canvas tool aprons.
Take pictures of each of the different types of tools. Make enough copies for each guest to have a full set of pictures. Hide the tools around the house or yard and have the guests try to find a tool to match each of their pictures.
As they find them, they place them in their tool aprons. If they run across one they already have, they leave it where it is and go search for another one. For older children, give them the option of leaving the tool ... more.
The key to any successful party for kids is to keep them busy. Most classic games and activities can be adapted to a dinosaur theme with a little planning and imagination. Since dinosaurs appeal to kids of all ages, you can use these ideas to entertain your guests no matter what their age.
Follow these steps to find out how. Write short, funny tongue twisters before the party that include the names of dinosaurs. One example is the following: "A Triceratops teeth chew tough treats."
Have kids sit in a circle while you pick one of the sentences and whisper it only once to one of the players. That player whispers what they think was said to the person to their right; and the new person tells another person until everyone in the circle hears it. The last person says aloud what they think they heard, and then reads the original sentence.
You will laugh yourself silly at what you hear. Make some dinosaur eggs out of balloons and paper mache. You can mix flour and water for your own recipe, ... more.
If you have ever attended a child's birthday party, you know first hand how important it is to keep things moving. If your next party has a pirate theme, then you're in luck because it's one of the simplest themes to adapt activities. Even the most basic games seem new when you incorporate pirate lingo into them.
Best of all, it's a theme that is appealing to boys and girls of all ages. Set up a table with black construction paper, glue and pieces of pirate clip art like skulls, parrots, hour glasses and skeletons. Then as guests arrive, let them create their own individual pirate flag while they're waiting for the other party guests.
As they finish, have them hang their flags on the wall for added decorations. Divide kids into two person teams for a fun relay called "Swab the Deck." Have the teammates stand at the opposite end of the room from each other.
One takes a broom and uses it to move five ping pong balls across the room to where their partner is waiting. Then they hand the ... more.
If your little cowpoke has a birthday coming and a wild west roundup is in your future than you're in luck. Finding creative ways to entertain kids at a western theme party is easy because the theme is simple and loved by boys and girls alike. The key to success is keeping things moving with plenty of fun activities.
Entertain kids busy while waiting for all the guests to arrive by having them make their own branding irons. Have them draw their designs on cardboard and then cut them out. Glue the cardboard brands (backwards) to smooth blocks of wood that are easy to hold.
Later when the glue is dry, they can practice using their brands with some acrylic paints and paper and then take them home as a party favor. Play a game called Sleeping Cowboys. Let the birthday child be "it" and have everyone else lie flat on their backs and stay as still as possible.
The person who is "it" has to try to make the cowboys laugh by making faces or doing silly things but not actually touching anyone. ... more.
The success of any party involving children lies in keeping them busy. Great ideas to entertain kids at a "Blue's Clues" theme birthday party are all around you. You just need to get in your thinking chair and look for them.
Many traditional games and activities can be modified to take on a "Blue's Clues" theme with a little imagination. Follow these steps to start planning. Draw four paw prints and glue on clip art or magazine pictures to form the clues for a puzzle.
Put three pictures on each paw print to form the clue. An example is a picture of a banana, sun and lemon would be the clues for the word yellow. Tape the paw prints in different areas of the house, and have the kids search for them.
When they figure out the four clues, they should be able to put them together to solve a puzzle phrase. Make a fishing pole with a yard stick, yarn and a clothespin. In a doorway, hang a curtain half way up the wall.
On one side have an adult and the party favors. An adult and the children ... more.
If your child is wild about animals, then a backyard jungle safari is a great way to celebrate a birthday. This versatile theme appeals to boys and girls of all ages, and it's easy to turn classic birthday party games into safari-themed activities. Have guests join in a Jungle Safari Walk as they arrive to keep them entertained until everyone arrives.
Late guests can jump right in, and any number can play. Tape pictures of animals on the floor and while music is playing, have kids walk in a circle over top of the animals. When the music stops everyone must move to an animal space.
Randomly draw the name of an animal and say it out loud. Whoever is standing on that animal is out. Play continues until only one child is left.
Adapt the classic Pin the Tail on the Donkey game to Pin the Monkey on the Tree. Glue a picture of a tree on a large piece of poster board. Then cut bananas out of construction paper and put a piece of tape on the back of each one.
Blindfold the kids one at a time, ... more.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.