MERRITT ISLAND --Guests at Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex got to see something special this morning as Shuttle Atlantis made its landing: the orbiter flew over the complex during its descent. Dozens of guests at Shuttle Plaza first heard the twin sonic boom of the shuttle and then watched as Atlantis, flying in from the south, approached the shuttle landing facility for landing. About 1,000 guests visited the complex Friday.
€œThat was awesome! €? Said both Earl Tucker, a pilot from Connecticut and his son, also named Earl, 11.
After Atlantis sailed from view, guests bolted for the launch status center, an exhibit across from Shuttle Plaza. They watched the rest of the landing on two big projection screens. The shuttle normally flies over the visitor complex when it returns home, but it’s a rare occasion that it flies over in such close proximity, said spokeswoman Andrea Farmer.
€œA great treat for our guests today,â€? She said. More.
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