Wires running along a wall are not only unsightly but a possible tripping hazard, as well. Wires that are carrying electrical voltage, supplied from the main panel box, may also present a hazard of shocking proportions. These wires can get damaged by being sucked into the moving parts of a vacuum cleaner.
A solution to hide and protect these wires is available from most hardware and home stores. It is either a metal or plastic conduit cable cord cover in which the loose wires are placed. In most installations, the conduit runs on the upper ridge of the baseboard.
Find the overall distance that you need to conceal the wires, using the tape measure. Transfer that measurement with the pencil to the cable cord cover. Cut the cable cord cover to length with the hacksaw.
Various cable cord covers are manufactured differently. Some units come in two parts: a cover and a rear wall mount. In some cases, the hidden rear wall mount will have either an adhesive backing or utilize screws to ... more.
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