How is Obama going to keep all of his promises and still cut taxes on 95% of Americans?

Obama never really had the support of Health Care professionals. The AMA represents less than 1/3 of America's physicians and half of those are retired. In fact, the American Medical Student Association endorses Universal Healthcare Reform.

Obama’s crowing about his health care debacle shows how totally out of touch he is with the American people. Polls show that 58 percent of likely voters believe that ObamaCare is bad for the United States and 73 percent think the health care law will hurt the economy. The facts speak for themselves, here are the top ten failures of ObamaCare after only six months: 1.

Premiums Have Gone Up: Obama promised that families will pay less for their healthcare premiums under his plan. Quite the opposite has happened. Insurance companies are making double-digit rate increases to consumer premiums in anticipation of the cost of new mandates by ObamaCare. The estimated premiums rate increase for consumers is between 1% and 9%, a direct impact from the new regulations. 2. You Can’t Keep Your Current Plan And Doctor: Businesses will be forced to change their employees’ healthcare plans in order to meet the new regulations.

An estimated 69% of businesses will be forced to change their plans, forcing countless millions of Americans to change plans and doctors. 3. National Budget Deficit Is Worse: Sixty-one percent (61%) of all voters nationwide say the healthcare law will increase the federal deficit.

4. More Children Are Uninsured: Anthem Blue Cross, Aetna Inc. And other insurance agencies are dropping child-only policies, citing huge, unexpected costs from ObamaCare. An estimated half a million children in the United States will be affected by the policies. 5. Small Business Taxes Increased: Small businesses—the engine of the U.S. economy—are suffering from increased tax filing regulations and anticipated healthcare mandates.

Over 40 million small businesses will be required to file new tax reports for health care. The tax credit for the regulations only covers one-tenth of these business’s losses.

They know what a debacle it will be. Anyone with any brains can see this. We need health care reform NOT Health care overhaul.

Insurance would go down if we could buy across state lines. Tort reform helped Texas. But no, Obama wants to go down in history as the man who pushed health care control down the throats of unwilling citizens.

Why can't we do a little adjusting before we dump the whole thing in the Governments hand. Remember they want control of 1/7 of the health care economy. It is all about money and our care will suffer.

I say all elected officials should have the same policy or stuff it where the sun don't shine.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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