I don't know a lot about dogs. So why is it that some dogs pee on the grass and it burns out the grass. And some dogs pee on the grass and it becomes gorgeous green plush grass?
Are they eating something different? I know the saying "the grass is greener over the septic tank" (I think that's how it goes) anyways! If it is something they are eating and since urine is sterile (until it is in contact with something else), why are we not eating it and peeing on our own grass?
Silly I know, but think about it. It would be a lot cheaper and safer for us to use as fertilizer, no? Asked by Mugsie!
™ 40 months ago Similar questions: lot dogs pee grass burns Environment > Water.
Similar questions: lot dogs pee grass burns.
All dog pee is fertiliser, and when applied too liberally burns the grass. Dog urine is high in nitrogen and like any liquid fertiliser, if dog urine is too concentrated (because the dog keeps going back to the same spot) it will damage the grass. Around the edge of the burn patches on my lawn I’ve lovely lush green grass that is growing faster than the surrounding area.
Various sites suggest adding things to the dog's food to stop its urine burning the grass but they all seem rather doubtfull and I’d rather live with patches on the lawn than experiment on my dogs diet. One suggestion is that if you reduce the amount of protien in the dog's food then the urine will have less nitrogen in it and damage the lawn less. You could test this by "self fertilising" your lawn for a year and then the next year going veggie and seing if this reduces the burn patches.
Or just experiment by diluting your urine - or even just leave the poor lawn alone :-) still cheaper than fertiliser.
Nitrogen is the answer You have a number of questions up above, so I'll tackle one issue at a time. :) What about dog urine affects the grass? Carnivores (such as dogs, cats, and humans) consume a lot of protein in their meat, which is broken down by the digestive system.
The result of breaking down the protein is Nitrogen. Urine specifically takes this excess Nitrogen out of the body via the kidneys, and it takes the form of pee. Hence, a large portion of a dog's urine is Nitrogen, and is the ingredient affecting your lawn and plants.So what does this Nitrogen output have to do with my grass?
That's easy. Nitrogen is one of the key nutrients your grass craves.In fact, Nitrogen is usually the number one ingredient in fertilizers. (Quick Fertilizer Lesson: each fertilizer has a 3-number rating on its package, known as its N-P-K number which quanitifies the amnt.
Of Nitrogen, Phosphorous, and Potassium in each bag - most bags have a higher "N" rating than they do a "P" or "K" rating. You'll see a lot of 15-5-5 fertilizers, meaning they have a lot more Nitrogen than anything else. ) So a healthy amount of urine - for what the grass needs - will make the grass perk up as if it's been fertilized with some yummy food out of a bag.
But just like with applying any type of fertilizer, if too much Nitrogen gets applied, it'll burn your grass.So why does some dogs' urine green things up and others' brown it out? It's a difference of quanitity - usually not diet. Some dogs mark different areas all the time with tiny little piddles.
Grass loves that! A little nitrogen burst here and there makes a great snack! But if your dog is always going out and peeing oceans on to the same patch of grass, he's dumping waaaaaay too much fertilizer on that spot of grass.It'll burn out from excess Nitrogen.
Same goes for poop, too. Why not use urine as a fertilizer, then? Well, not only is that icky, but also urine doesn't have a lot going for it other than Nitrogen.
Nitrogen is just one element of what your grass & plants need. Giving your lawn just Nitrogen would be like feeding yourself only steroids. You might get big and beefy for a bit, but then you'd become sick, your testes would shrink, and you'd die.
Same with your grass. That's why I NEVER hire places like TruGreen ChemLawn. They apply fertilizers that are REALLY HEAVY with Nitrogen, so your grass greens up really fast and looks healthy - but it isn't.
It's sick, vulnerable, and strung out on Nitrogen. Odds are you grass will become diseased, drought-plagued, weed-filled, and bug infested in no time. And you don't want that for your lawn!
Your lawn needs Phosphorous, Potassium, and other good earthy elements to keep it healthy. Is the grass over your septic tank greener? Yep, a bit.
But here's a hint....there's more than just Nitrogen-filled pee coming from that tank. Dung is a beautiful fertilizer (if stinky and gross). So yes, the area just above the septic field in my yard is just a bit greener and healthier - and doesn't dry out in drought nearly as fast.
Huh! Sources: PenguinSage .
1 I think that might just be something else about that grass making it seem greener. Especially male dogs usually kill the grass, their urine is very acidic.
I think that might just be something else about that grass making it seem greener. Especially male dogs usually kill the grass, their urine is very acidic.
2 truff I just took my cake out of the over, my house smells sssssssooooooooooooo good, I can't wait until it cools off! Thank you for the recipe.
Truff I just took my cake out of the over, my house smells sssssssooooooooooooo good, I can't wait until it cools off! Thank you for the recipe.
Truff replied to post #2: 3 OH I hope it comes out good! Are you giong to ice it? Now I have to go make one, but I have to go buy some zucchini first...
OH I hope it comes out good! Are you giong to ice it? Now I have to go make one, but I have to go buy some zucchini first...
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" (11 answers) "why do dogs eat grass?
I have a backyard with a lot of moss growing where I would like grass to be,will grass seed grow and live if I till it u.
I have 3 dogs, soon to get another one, and 4 cats. They ALL pee in the garage or on the padio. How can we stop them?
Why do dogs shake off water by you instead of away from you.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.