I have a new car that's a year old but my payments are too high. Can I get a loan to pay off my car and re-finance with a credit union?

You will also want to check the terms of your loan. Make sure there is no penalty for early payoff. Most likely, you will need to refinance under a used car loan and not a new car loan.

There is also a nice basic article on edmunds.com --quote-- Consumers who are thinking of refinancing should visit Bankrate.com. By typing in the name of your state of residence and the city closest to you, a list of lenders and their rates are presented in an easy-to-read table. --unquote-- It basically says that anyone can refinance but many people don't think of actually doing that.

You should check out the bankrate site to be armed with information to take to the credit union. Of course, like the other poster said, it is also dependent upon your credit score and whether someone will give you a loan at a better deal. However, many banks and credit unions do better percent wise than dealerships which is why it's advised to have a bank letter in hand when going car shopping.

Good luck.

Many credit unions (and banks) may not be willing to refinance a car loan, but check with a loan officer as your credit union may have a different policy. You do however have other options even if you cannot get a new car loan. 1.

Use a home equity loan to pay off your auto loan. 2. Use a home equity line of credit to pay off your auto loan.3.

If you have good enough credit, you may be able to get a signature loan (i.e. Unsecured loan) and use that to pay off the auto loan. However, make sure the new loan payments are not higher than the old one's.

Depending on your existing loan interest rate and remaining term, and the new loan's interest rate and available term this may or may not be a good option.

That all depends on your credit my friend. If you have 1-2 credit cards that you've paid off each month for the past couple years, probably. If you owe Sears 1000 and collection letters come every other day, probably not.

Every credit union is different but I'd recommend a smaller credit union as they love that particular type of loan. Large banks like Well's Fargo may turn you down.

I can not say any thing about it but I know about a site . This is carmoneyfast.com/ . It may be possible that if you will visit this site then you can get some tips from here about Car Loans.

Our look has changed, but we haven't. CareCredit successfully launched a new look and card. Applying is as fast, easy and secure as ever before.

Both CareCredit cards are accepted at over 150,000 enrolled providers nationwide. By providing your email address, you consent to receive marketing email communications from CareCredit. Do I need to replace my original card with the new CareCredit healthcare card?

It's our look that has changed, we haven’t. There's no need to replace your original card with the new card. Both CareCredit cards are accepted at over 150,000 enrolled providers nationwide.

Is my original card still accepted at the practice? It's our look that has changed, we haven’t. Both CareCredit cards are accepted at over 150,000 enrolled providers nationwide.

How do I qualify for CareCredit? Approval is based on information from your credit application and past credit history. This includes information from the primary applicant as well as any co-applicant.

Why do doctors offer CareCredit? Many patients put off treatments and procedures because they cannot afford to pay. Doctors offer CareCredit payment options as an alternative to consumer credit cards, cash or checks.

CareCredit allows you to pay over time instead of a lump sum prior to treatment. Offering CareCredit removes the accounts receivable responsibilities from the doctor and allows them to focus on recommending and providing the best care to their patients.

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