I have a Western Digital "My Book" USB external hard drive. It currently has a 160 GB drive in it?

I have a Western Digital "My Book" USB external hard drive. It currently has a 160 GB drive in it. 160 GB is not enough.

Can I take the drive enclosure apart and put a larger drive, say 500GB or 1TB in it without running into any problems? ----------comments? Opinions?

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Asked by Schelli 23 months ago Similar questions: Western Digital Book USB external hard drive 160 GB Computers > Hardware > Desktops & Laptops.

Similar questions: Western Digital Book USB external hard drive 160 GB.

Technically it must be doable... I was researching for options for external hard drives. It should be doable, but here are a few considerations: want to make sure the format of the hard drives are compatible. You may need external power (rather than relying on USB only) to get sufficient power.

I also ended up getting one of those dedicated enclosure (and got drives myself) but I ended up getting a LaCIE RAID external. It provides extra safety as all the data are copied at two different hard drives. Upgrade would be possible by swapping the drives too.

Sources: My research orion_orange's Recommendations LaCie 301352U 2TB 2big Quadra 2-Disk RAID Hard Drive Amazon List Price: $329.99 Used from: $279.99 Average Customer Rating: 4.0 out of 5 (based on 18 reviews) I ended up getting this. A compromise between convenience and flexibility.

It is not recommended that you take it apart: Most external drives are sealed and can not be taken apart. They usually have a life span of about three years. They usually don't last past that time because they are usually on all the time and have no fan to keep it cool.

Which means you are slowly burning it up till one day it go's. It would be as cheap to go out and buy a new external drive. I just replaced the one I did have, since it went the same way as I described above.

I went to the HP web site purchased a 1TB external drive for around $149.00 dollars. It is a USB drive all you do is plug it in, it has no on and off switch since it only works when the computer is on. It also automatically backs up your programs a few times a day.

You can also run it manually.

A lot would depend..... on the model that you have, and if it's one that can be opened up and have the hard drive removed and another one installed. Some manufactures design their external hard drives to where you can't; so you'll have to take a look at it and see if it's one that you can open up. I popped on the WD website and you can purchase a new 1 TB external for $169.99.

You can always go ahead and purchase the larger one and use the small one for travel or even sell it.

1 Been there, done that. The drives inside a MyBook are regular hard drives but they have circuit boards soldered on to them so you can't just swap a bigger drive into the enclosure without a lot of additional work. You can buy a new drive enclosure for peanuts at NewEgg.com or CyberGuys.com and put your replacement drive in that with a lot less aggravation.

For that matter, you can buy a 1TB MyBook for a hundred bucks or so and 500GB ones for less than eighty bucks. You can't build one for much less than that unless you are using a salvaged drive that you already have.

Been there, done that. The drives inside a MyBook are regular hard drives but they have circuit boards soldered on to them so you can't just swap a bigger drive into the enclosure without a lot of additional work. You can buy a new drive enclosure for peanuts at NewEgg.com or CyberGuys.com and put your replacement drive in that with a lot less aggravation.

For that matter, you can buy a 1TB MyBook for a hundred bucks or so and 500GB ones for less than eighty bucks. You can't build one for much less than that unless you are using a salvaged drive that you already have.

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I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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